General / Off-Topic Outerra: Terrain Engine

Yeah, Outerra is amazing. I got the demo and donated for the full version after about 5 minutes.

It's a bit buggy and still needs quite a bit of development but it's an amazing piece of software.
Outerra is great fun with the Oculus Rift, whether driving over the surface in a truck or flying around the mountains in jet plane.
Planet rendering/engine for ED

As it has nothing to do with ED it would look even better if it was here ;)

It has everything to do with ED. Frontier should think of using the Outerra engine for their planetrendering. I think this light-weight procedural rendering engine has everything that ED might need for planetary landings.

Hope the DEVS see this!
Planet surface engine (Outerra Anteworld)

An awesome planetary rendering engine which in my opninion would suit the ED game perfectly is Outerra Anteworld.

This light-weight engine can easily render entire planets, from space to a grain of sand.

Currently the whole earth (google maps data) is used to procedurally generate all the (extra) terrain, biomes, trees, grass, rocks and sand.

Check out some videos below:

Greeble City:
Tech demo:
Trailer with space parts:
Beautiful mountain flight:
An awesome planetary rendering engine which in my opninion would suit the ED game perfectly is Outerra Anteworld.

This light-weight engine can easily render entire planets, from space to a grain of sand.

Currently the whole earth (google maps data) is used to procedurally generate all the (extra) terrain, biomes, trees, grass, rocks and sand.

Check out some videos below:

Greeble City:
Tech demo:
Trailer with space parts:
Beautiful mountain flight:

I think FD have their own engine for this called the Stellar Forge. ;) They could do height maps and landing on planets now (well, they have height maps already, but not at the LOD we all want) and with nothing there it would be a bit boring. I'm willing to wait for the FD team to feel ready to release it, including the right re-entry effects and sound, which will hopefully be just as spot-on as what we have now.

And then there is the gameplay thing, which will be more than just flying around, although that will be cool. Also really interested to see what FD can do with human settlements and cities.

But for now these are cool to play with some.
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