Over 400 hours in game! This is what I found:


I am a experienced planet zoo/ zoo tycoon player and I hope the following notes will be taken to future plans of the game:

New found failings/ bugs:
1. African Elephants slowely lose their toy enrichement, placing more stuff doesn't work;
2. Staff asks for more facilities, but they are there;
3. Animal movement needs more space as their size. A sheep should be able to walk through a door frame and a rhino through arches;
4. You changed community challenge to one every 2 weeks but still make the duration 1 week why not make the duration 2 weeks?
5. Make the duration before mating longer for family animals and priority on not family animals;
6. Make animals follow the alpha animal;
7. Why do all animals fight if there are two males not just the males?;
8. Why does the fighting continue after? Mostly the fighting is just to get the female;
9. Enoying. Heatmaps go on when placing education stuff;
10. To many guests gives lag at location.

1. Paths shouldn't lock the ground, It would be better if you can terraform under the paths;
2. A way to walk around as a visitor, and make pictures (like in zoo tycoon 2), more different achievements;
3. The possebilitie to be a staff member (like in zoo tycoon 2);
4. Point 2 and 3, maybe fun if you can play like that online in your friends zoos;
5. Habitats should have the possebility to add more staff gates, or swimming keepers;
6. Scale objects;
7. A map of the zoo and maybe a minimap you can place in the corner;
8. Animals that can destroy foillage;
9. Grid structures should have some angles, maybe steps of 15 degrees;
10. Round walls are only for inside not outside;
11. Different maps per biome per continent;
12. Freely placement of entrance;
13. Scenario maps to francise;
14. More knds of waterfalls and smaal streams;
15. A way to make groups in groups,

This is it for now, it looks negative but the game is great :D
Keep up the good work!
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I would love to be able to scale things. I loved it's in The Sims 4 - and it was a bug but people loved it so much, they kept it in. It's not perfect (of course the texture looks worse when you scale it up) but I think that people will usually just scale down (so mistakes won't be that visible).
i agree with all of them! definetly following alpha, animals that can destroy foliage, friends zoo, more staff gates and swimming keepers
When it comes to the challenges, I think they are fine the way they are now, with one week chellenge - one week downtime. I tend to get really invested in the challenges and hardly play anything else that week. If the chellenge was active at all times I would probably burn myself out pretty quickly, so I hope they let it stay the way it is right now. That gives me time to play with my other zoo's or other games (long time wow player) during the downtime week :)
3. Animal movement needs more space as their size. A sheep should be able to walk through a door frame and a rhino through arches;
Once it was like you suggest it should be but they changed it after some Time for some reason. I really hope they will make it better. My Rhino's can't go into their Outdoor-Enclosure (not even if I delete both of the Archways. It's still to small) , my Reindeer can't go into their Stable and I was so excited to finally use my Giraffe-House just to find out later that they aren't able to go into their Boxes I've built for them to sleep in

5. Habitats should have the possebility to add more staff gates, or swimming keepers;
I don't think Zookeepers should swim or if they need to swim, maybe add some Diving-Suit Upgrade to a Staff-Building so they can walk in there to get the necessary Equipment. But they should really be able to walk trough shallow Water.

6. Scale objects;
I absolutely agree. I loved this Option in the Demo-Version of Prehistoric Kingdom. It would make the Enclosures way more realistic and it would add the Possibility for better Player created Structures. I would really like some life-size Sculptures of extinct Animals but currently its not possible.

8. Animals that can destroy foillage;
I think there would be to many Problems with this Feature (thinking about Plants in Enclosures of Extinct Animals in the first Zoo Tycoon) but I would really like Animals being able to eat from Plants (also add a Possibility for Carnivores to eat dead Animals. Once I gave my Saltwater Crocodiles a young Pronghorn and they just killed it but weren't able to eat it). Maybe the Plants could die or need some Time to regenerate if they get eaten from to much in a certain Time.

12. Freely placement of entrance;
Yes or at least give us the Ability to completely change the Entrance-Building like it seems to be possible in Sandbox-Mode
Animals destroying foliage would be realistic, but then you have to consider why most zoos don't use real foliage in their habitats. It gets too expensive to replace and maintain. If this was a management aspect of the game, it would really break immersion, because we don't have the option to not use foliage without damaging welfare.
Lions were during Beta (pretty sure about that one), first challenge after release date was the Bengal Tiger..

When it comes to the challenges, I think they are fine the way they are now, with one week chellenge - one week downtime. I tend to get really invested in the challenges and hardly play anything else that week. If the chellenge was active at all times I would probably burn myself out pretty quickly, so I hope they let it stay the way it is right now. That gives me time to play with my other zoo's or other games (long time wow player) during the downtime week

Same here, like the change.. This challenge is time-consuming and takes a large chunk of game-time.. If you would expand this to 2 weeks, you'll need to increase numbers and still have similar issues.

Animals destroying foliage would be realistic, but then you have to consider why most zoos don't use real foliage in their habitats. It gets too expensive to replace and maintain. If this was a management aspect of the game, it would really break immersion, because we don't have the option to not use foliage without damaging welfare.
I think a lot of people wouldn't like it either... It's adding another layer to micromanagement.
When it comes to the challenges, I think they are fine the way they are now, with one week chellenge - one week downtime. I tend to get really invested in the challenges and hardly play anything else that week. If the chellenge was active at all times I would probably burn myself out pretty quickly, so I hope they let it stay the way it is right now. That gives me time to play with my other zoo's or other games (long time wow player) during the downtime week :)
I ment that you should be able to use the full 2 weeks for the challenge, so you can still do the challenge if you have less time.
I ment that you should be able to use the full 2 weeks for the challenge, so you can still do the challenge if you have less time.

Ye I understand that. But the problem with that is that for one; they would need to make it more challenging then, cus otherwise the challenge would be completed in the first week and then you would have one week of downtime as well. And if they made it more challenging, you would still have to spend most of your time with the challenge and hardly have any time for other things at all. And if you are like me, and go all in and want to be in the top so that you get three animals in the end, you would still have to be active in the challenge all the time to make sure you don't loose your top spot :p So like I said above, I really like the changes they made to the challenge and I hope they keep it like it is :)
I would love to be able to scale things. I loved it's in The Sims 4 - and it was a bug but people loved it so much, they kept it in. It's not perfect (of course the texture looks worse when you scale it up) but I think that people will usually just scale down (so mistakes won't be that visible).

I agree! Once you've had it, its so hard to not have in other games...
I agree with pretty much everything Denorith has observed in 400 hrs of play. I only have a little over 200 hrs. Some other observations I’ve personally come up with is the animations are very good especially the fighting and climbing animations as climbing is not a easy task to implement. Some variants would be great. I love the size difference in individual animals. The option menu is nice to have. Some critical animals are still needed. Nice builds take a long time to complete (not a bad thing). Some more distinct personalities would be great. Would love to see some underwater swimming animations if possible. Need more small mammals and monkeys. Also some entertainers and educators would be nice. And last I’m burned out on the Indian rhino. Don’t get me wrong I love it but I would love a African rhino species.
Great post, just a couple of things which I am sure have been mentioned already.

New found failings/ bugs:
5. Make the duration before mating longer for family animals and priority on not family animals;
7. Why do all animals fight if there are two males not just the males?

5, Duration between mating is set by the species type according to it's normal and natural biology.
7. I have only ever seen alpha males fight. Every time. Except one. I've seen females fight when it is a point over crowding not alpha status of males.

1. Paths shouldn't lock the ground, It would be better if you can terraform under the paths;
2. A way to walk around as a visitor, and make pictures (like in zoo tycoon 2), more different achievements;
7. A map of the zoo and maybe a minimap you can place in the corner;
9. Grid structures should have some angles, maybe steps of 15 degrees;
10. Round walls are only for inside not outside;
13. Scenario maps to francise;

1. You can terraform around paths if you fiddle with the Collision Settings.
2. You can walk around as a guest but I've never tried it and I think it is not free roaming, you simply view the places that guests wants to go.
7. Also thought a map would be good but then noticed there is no point when you can zoom out so far. The only time this is a problem is during poor in game weather. Then there is no map at all.
9. Completely agree and never understood why only 90 degree angles are permitted.
10. There are a million outside round walls in Planet Coaster and Planet Zoo. Am I missing something here? :)
13. Scenario maps and maybe even more of a collection available for both franchise and sandbox.
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