Discussion Packaging Funk in your Player Tools?

The latest installs of some of the Player Tools here appear to include some funk. I have been seeing regular occurrence of Super PC Cleaner self installing on my PC following installation of a few of the Tools found here. Not sure if devs are using "freeware/canned" installers, but is there a way to ensure the installers used to not include mal/ad ware? I "think" I have been able to clear out the funk from Super PC Cleaner, but likely something to watch out for.
You should report these tools or at least post clear warnings about them.
Also beware of false positive cases ; you might suspect a specific tool to embed malware/adware while it might come from another unrelated install.

Regardless, such practice should be strongly opposed. The only way to be 100% sure you're avoiding them is to get the source code of the tool (obviously requires some sort of open licensing like MIT or BSD), examine what it does yourself, and then compile and run it on your own.
Yea, I am not sure which specific tool or as noted, perhaps it came from somewhere else. Though, I have not installed anything new other that some tools found here in the last 30 days. I doubt it is intentional from the tool programmer, but rather seems it may originate from an installer the programmer may use for their ED tool. Do most tool makers here use canned third party installer apps to install their programs on users machines? If so, could these third party installer apps ship/contain adware/malware in them?
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