Particle rotation in VR: FIXED!

I don't know if you noticed but...

The latest patch fixed an issue that has plagued the game since the day of early alpha, when VR support was added. Certain particles, like smoke in the cockpit, matter ejections from stars etc. didn't rotate with the headset. The result was completely immersion-breaking. The moment you rolled your head sideways, all those particles rolled along with you, relative angle staying the same.

This has finally been fixed! I can't tell you how happy this makes me ^_^

EDIT: CORRECTION!!!! One type of particle is STILL rotating, it's one of the star coronal mass ejection ones x.x

EDIT: Bug report posted, along with video. Here's hoping we can get those last few unruly particles under control :)
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I don't know if you noticed but...

The latest patch fixed an issue that has plagued the game since the day of early alpha, when VR support was added. Certain particles, like smoke in the cockpit, matter ejections from stars etc. didn't rotate with the headset. The result was completely immersion-breaking. The moment you rolled your head sideways, all those particles rolled along with you, relative angle staying the same.

This has finally been fixed! I can't tell you how happy this makes me ^_^

EDIT: CORRECTION!!!! One type of particle is STILL rotating, it's one of the star coronal mass ejection ones x.x

EDIT: Bug report posted, along with video. Here's hoping we can get those last few unruly particles under control :)

It's not totally fixed at all. Yes, the in-cockpit smoke is fixed and has been for a while now but many other things suffer from this issue including: Smoke on landing pads and in the hanger, SC trails from other players / NPCs and some of the FX on the suns to name a few.
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