Horizons Passenger missions and Interdictions and potential MURDER!!

Hi Cmdrs
After suffering a major loss from an unexpected ,vicious, interdiction my thoughts turned to the proposed Passenger missions.
As is demonstrated by numerous comments on the forums it is quite clear that the Interdiction mechanic is broken.
So are we to see deaths on passenger missions if the same mechanic is applied to these missions or will some NEW interdiction
mechanism be introduced to avoid MURDER in Elite???
OR could FDEV use this opportunity to SCRAP interdictions completely OR at last fix the present broken,ridiculous system??
Passenger cabins are equipped with an escape system just like you have. The only ones ending up dead will be fighter pilots.

Thanks for the info.
Did'nt know I had an escape pod.
Is it automatic or do you have to access it somehow.
Where is it located?
You learn someting every day
It's what makes you not end up permanently dead when your ship gets blown up. Effectively, passengers will have the same "death experience" as players.
Passenger cabins are equipped with an escape system just like you have. The only ones ending up dead will be fighter pilots.

Technically, when the ship goes down, your fighter pilot can print a fighter and use it as an escape pod. They live in the hangar, anyway, supposedly. :)
However, if the passengers are not happy with the service they are receiving, they will use escape pods, and you won't get paid, which leads me to my next thought...

Passenger Pong!

If the escape pods are the normal escape pods, wing up with a couple of Cobra's. Detour to Sag A* and eventually the passengers will get upset and eject in their escape pods. The two Cobra's, with their huge horizontal profile would make ideal paddles...
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