Horizons Passenger Missions nerf

Can anyone explain why short to mid range Passenger Missions have such low payouts? Relative to Cargo missions the risk vs reward is very skewed.
It is possibly your own reputation with the factions offering the missions.

I don't think so. I am rated allied with all factions in the system. For example, the average 1 to 3 million credit mission has a travel distance of around 1000 LY. I can easily do cargo missions for that amount to systems within 15 LY.
I don't think so. I am rated allied with all factions in the system. For example, the average 1 to 3 million credit mission has a travel distance of around 1000 LY. I can easily do cargo missions for that amount to systems within 15 LY.
A couple of days ago, I was getting better missions than that, in a relatively strange place. I jump less than 100ly for my missions and can get between 2 and 5 million per trip. That said; sometimes, I just have bad days, where there is nothing worth while about. Lots of multi-million credit, sightseeing missions over 20Klys, but little else. Even at my home base.
System economic status and security can play a part on the passenger mission payouts as well --- if you hit a group of systems in boom the tourism industry tends to pay top-credit for those shuttle missions.
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