Buildings & Attractions Path through gate

Your Feature Request / Idea
Having the path be able to be built through the gates.

I use the fences all of the time to separate guest areas from utility areas and it would add so much to the look with this small change just to be able to connect the paths but still have it fenced off.
While i generally like the idea of having *something* to separate areas, i think the main problem is that guests are not persistent entities that move through the park. They're just models spawned at different buildings that wander about. One way for me to separate areas has been to not build paths connecting to the main visitor areas, but instead just connect the utility areas with monorails, that way guests very rarely spawn in those areas. But yeah the entire guest system is clunky, i've suggested revisions but it's a big one to fix.
I would like this. It would give options to open or close areas to people or dinos.
Plus I think it would look better in any case to have paths/roads up to and through the gates.

The monorail suggestion by DavidBlac is a good way to do things at times but is not all encompassing and might not be convenient for how the park is set up.
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