People to play with

Ive added you, fairly new to the game myself. just aquired the cobra mk3, and currently looking for ppl to play with or chat with. Ive joined the posted teamspeak channel and will be there from time to time :)

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Also, if anyone wants to add me.
Hello commander!

I am here representing the Alliance Protectorate, we are a relatively new group of pilots who have settled down and taken control of a system.

We are looking for all kinds pilots, new and experienced to wing up with and help each other!

We use teamspeak to co-ordinate our wings as it is very hard to do ingame!

Please check out our recruitment page, contact details are listed there
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Senatus Populusque Romanus is openly recruiting CMDRs of any skill level/experience. Everyday were showing new CMDRs the ropes so they can start making credits for bigger and better ships.

The link below contains details about SPQR and our focuses.


Feel free to hop on TS (address listed within page linked above) meet the crew and ask us any questions you may have.
The Mercs of Mikunn are an 18 and up Elite Dangerous open play group that focuses on the background sim and colonization. As we bugtest in our area of focus, we have developed a light relationship with Frontier, and if you join we may ask you to help us stress test an existing game feature in this regard, but it is always optional. Our goal is to make the game better for everyone whether or not you join. Moreover, we openly publish all the information we discover about the background sim, so everyone benefits.

Also we are drama free, and casual player friendly, in fact we prefer to have a sizable portion of casual players as it helps us stay drama free. We are composed of industry professionals in many fields from game designers, engineers, to rocket scientists. My background is in Electrical and Petroleum Engineering and I love writing. I play casually as well (I don’t even own a python yet), but if you have been following our progress or pay attention to Frontier’s forum, then you know we have accomplished more in colonization, expansion, and the background sim than any other group. I don’t forum or reddit casually though, guilty as charged.

Here are some choice features of our group.

We are the first player group to have our backed faction colonize a new system as seen in the Price of Peace local community goal.

Price of Peace: Truckin’ for Change
Community and Teamwork:

We try to avoid ranking systems as much as possible within the group. We don’t need to bark orders at our members as each know what their fellow mercenary fighting beside them will do, through communication and experience. Even pirates have commented on our organization when trying to disrupt our community goals.

In the first video contained within the link below, we interrupt a pirate who’s stealing from a trader, and the second video is us chasing him down, all from his point of view.

Hunting the pirate Bangfish
Player versus Environment and the Background Sim:

While most of what we do is playing around with the background simulator and environment, we play in open and are not afraid of defending our area when attacked. Take the previous videos where we hunt the notrious pirate Bangfish as an example.

Of all the groups, ours is the most experienced with the background sim and we share all our info on the subject on Frontier’s forum. In addition we control two systems, are currently taking a third, and are in the process of colonizing a fourth. Our station in our new colony will appear when 1.3 is released.

Things we know about the Background Sim
One of Our Bugtesting threads
RP and Lore:
We are have a vibrant RP community in Frontier Forums found in The Black Hole in the Wall. In addition you can read our evolving story developed by player actions in the link below. If there

The Black Hole in the Wall
Our Evolving Story developed by player actions
Powerplay strategy:
If we do manage to become a power play faction, we will be an underdog. There is no way around it as we are coming from the bottom up. Our strategy will be to expand outward into uncolonized space while standing back from the larger factions and defending our relatively small contact border with colonized space.

I hope you give us a look and join us in the Mikunn’iverse soon. Our main thread is linked below.
Merc of Mikunn Master Thread

Our teamspeak is and if there is a password it is “mikunn” (there probably isn’t a password on at the moment)

Another alternative is contacting us in our internal forums here:
The Mikunn’iverse
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