Permit Lock Newbie Systems

Sounds strange, but hear me out!

I'm not sure if newbies can now start in multiple places, but I'll assume they don't. lol

Seal clubbing (aka, newbie murder), is a difficult thing to stop entirely, as anyone in a large ship can simply murder a sidewinder in seconds, then jump out. Even instant reaction from a massive security force can not save them, unless you gave security death rays of doom, which would actually be quite terrifying, and not particularly lore friendly!
In any case, being repeatedly murdered by an Elite CMDR in a Mur-der-Lance, or whatever, is really really bad impression for new starters. Axles Armada dk a great job their, but they can not protect everyone, all the time.

So, my idea:
Permit Lock a 20~ly Bubble Around New Starter Systems
All under one single permit. (Per region, if more than 1 starting location)
This Newbie Permit initially is given to every single player, and new player in the game.
However, it's the only permit that can be revoked by the Pilots Federation, which you can not gain back. :D (maybe you could, you just need to work hard and be good!)
If a particular CMDR murders too many CMDRs(players only) of combat ranks Harmless to Competent, which are not Wanted, or part of PowerPlay, their permit is revoked.
As for the exact number, thats up to FD to decide.

Now, if you are within the permit locked system when your permit is revoked, 2 things happen.
You "respawn" location is moved to outside of the permit lock.
And you are permanently Wanted until you leave, and will be hounded by security forces.

If you are destroyed within the permit locked system, you are respawned outside, and charge the equivalent of the ship transfer fee for moving your current ship there. (Only it's instant).
If you can't pay it, you lose your ship. :D

This seems like a good, lore friendly solution to toxic seal clubbers.
And it doesn't effect PowerPlay, or bounty hunters, or any kind of PvE activity.


CMDR CosmicSpacehead
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