Pirates dispatched!

This was a first.

Accepting a mission to delivery several tons of Cobalt I got a mission update about 3/4 of the way to my delivery destination- ' we've been alerted that pirates have been sent after you, any that you kill will result in a bonus!' Shortly after that message arrived I was pulled out of supercruise and interdicted- and then the pirate shot at me!
I boosted and boosted again until the FSD was cooled down, charged and got out of there.. only to be interdicted again, pulled out of supercruise and shot at. Boost, got away again.
As I hit final approach to the delivery station it looked like 4 more pirates on the radar- holy crap. I did the loop of shame to the station and finally landed on the pad to dump the load.
Then I discovered that not all stations/ outposts have refueling.. wot ?! Unfortunately I left my fuel scoop at home base in order to carry more cargo- oops. Fortunately I was close enough to another station in that system to refuel.
Pirates !

Question- am assuming that the AI is more likely to dispatch murderous pirates depending on what you're carrying, right ?

I should add, am presently flying the Cobra MKIII in the trade/ delivery role, have been eyeing the ASP Explorer as my next ship purchase, this for the number of slots, jump range and explorer expandability. But I hadn't intended on outfitting weapons at all, first for the weight saving. My strategy being to booost out of (pirate) trouble when it happens.

To anyone flying an ASP Explorer- is it ship as capable of boosting/ speeding away as the Cobra MKIII is ? How about Cobra MKIV ?
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This was a first.

Accepting a mission to delivery several tons of Cobalt I got a mission update about 3/4 of the way to my delivery destination- ' we've been alerted that pirates have been sent after you, any that you kill will result in a bonus!' Shortly after that message arrived I was pulled out of supercruise and interdicted- and then the pirate shot at me!
I boosted and boosted again until the FSD was cooled down, charged and got out of there.. only to be interdicted again, pulled out of supercruise and shot at. Boost, got away again.
As I hit final approach to the delivery station it looked like 4 more pirates on the radar- holy crap. I did the loop of shame to the station and finally landed on the pad to dump the load.
Then I discovered that not all stations/ outposts have refueling.. wot ?! Unfortunately I left my fuel scoop at home base in order to carry more cargo- oops. Fortunately I was close enough to another station in that system to refuel.
Pirates sent after me on a delivery mission- wot, wot ?!

Err..that is what happens all the time. You haven't done a lot of missions yet, huh? Learn to evade the interdictions or submit and boost. The cool down of your FSD will be much shorter if you submit to the interdiction. Just put throttle to 0.
To clarify- I've done to date 56 delivery missions and this was the first time pirates were dispatched in the form of a mission update. I'd been interdicted prior exactly 16 times, beat all of them but one before today.

It wasn't the interdiction but the mission update alert which surprised me. Also, these interdictors were much more skilled than the previous 16.

Err..that is what happens all the time. You haven't done a lot of missions yet, huh? Learn to evade the interdictions or submit and boost. The cool down of your FSD will be much shorter if you submit to the interdiction. Just put throttle to 0.
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To anyone flying an ASP Explorer- is it ship as capable of boosting/ speeding away as the Cobra MKIII is ? How about Cobra MKIV ?

AspX is arguably the best smuggling ship in the game. If you submit to interdiction, boost and jump, you will be invulnerable, nothing will catch you. My boost speed with Grade 5 DD is over 500. My Cobra MKIII is around 560 with Grade 5 DD, so the Asp is a touch slower, but mine can hold 80T of cargo which over twice what my Cobra can hold. In other words, just do it, I have 20 ships total, everything from and Eagle to a Federal Corvette and I still fly my AspX the most. I'm getting 44 ly jump range with a full combat, multirole build. When I strip it down for exploration, that number goes up considerably. Imo opinion, the Cobra MKIII, the AspX and the Python are the most balanced ships in the game and it's great idea to own all 3.
One word "python"
It holds plenty cargo, has large and medium hardpoints and it tanks very well indeed. Buy the python for all you trading and tut tut smuggling needs. It really does tick every box.

Wish they had the Python at my home station, for that matter I don't think it's available anywhere in the Yakabugei or LHS 3447 systems.
It's outside my new ship budget anyway, I fgure the Asp's xtra cargo room will get me to a Python soon enough.

One word "python"
It holds plenty cargo, has large and medium hardpoints and it tanks very well indeed. Buy the python for all you trading and tut tut smuggling needs. It really does tick every box.

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Wish they had this ship at my home station, for that matter I don't think it's available anywhere in the Yakabugei or LHS 3447 systems..

Make the trip to Diaguandri - Ray Gateway, all ships are 15% off in Li Yong Rui territory

The Python sells for 48.4million there (vs 56.9mil), save yourself some money.


Did the routing, 127k LY, 28 jumps. A long way to go to find a dealership..

My advice would be to buy the AspX first and by the Python later when you have more money. The AspX is a nice stepping stone, not to mention, non-engineered, it should easily get 30 LY jump range with an A-rated FSD and with the rest of the ship modules being D-rated. Then you would be able to make that trip in about 4-5 jumps. The Python is also expensive to upgrade so it's good to have a fat Credit balance before you think of buying one.
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The more missions you stack, the more pirates get sent after you. If each mission sends a single pirate after you but you accept 6 missions, guess what? Pirate field day!

I used to accept 10-20 passenger missions at a time to a next door system with a forty (40!) minute super-cruise run to three stations way out in the destination system's boonies. Pirates would drop in behind me as soon as I entered the system (but I could out run them in super-cruise until the 7-second slowdown mark), more pirates would come at me from my destination stations and more between the (three) destination stations. When I hit that 7-second slowdown mark pirates would explode out of the woodwork, so to speak.

Fun times . . . o7

PS: A Type-6 makes a dandy less expensive stepping-stone to an Asp-X and depending on outfitting boosts even faster.
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Yes, my experience exactly!
A damn nuisance too since I'm not presently in the pirate killing business. As a tactic I've been approaching destination stations with some very creative trajectory and flight paths, very creative.

Pirates would drop in behind me as soon as I entered the system (but I could out run them in super-cruise until the 7-second slowdown mark), more pirates would come at me from my destination stations and more between the (three) destination stations. When I hit that 7-second slowdown mark pirates would explode out of the woodwork, so to speak.

Fun times . . . o7

PS: A Type-6 makes a dandy less expensive stepping-stone to an Asp-X and depending on outfitting boosts even faster.
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This was a first.

Accepting a mission to delivery several tons of Cobalt I got a mission update about 3/4 of the way to my delivery destination- ' we've been alerted that pirates have been sent after you, any that you kill will result in a bonus!' Shortly after that message arrived I was pulled out of supercruise and interdicted- and then the pirate shot at me!
I boosted and boosted again until the FSD was cooled down, charged and got out of there.. only to be interdicted again, pulled out of supercruise and shot at. Boost, got away again.
As I hit final approach to the delivery station it looked like 4 more pirates on the radar- holy crap. I did the loop of shame to the station and finally landed on the pad to dump the load.
Then I discovered that not all stations/ outposts have refueling.. wot ?! Unfortunately I left my fuel scoop at home base in order to carry more cargo- oops. Fortunately I was close enough to another station in that system to refuel.
Pirates !

Question- am assuming that the AI is more likely to dispatch murderous pirates depending on what you're carrying, right ?

I should add, am presently flying the Cobra MKIII in the trade/ delivery role, have been eyeing the ASP Explorer as my next ship purchase, this for the number of slots, jump range and explorer expandability. But I hadn't intended on outfitting weapons at all, first for the weight saving. My strategy being to booost out of (pirate) trouble when it happens.

To anyone flying an ASP Explorer- is it ship as capable of boosting/ speeding away as the Cobra MKIII is ? How about Cobra MKIV ?

What system are you running these missions out of?
Something I forgot to mention. The mission I took had a planetary landing element to it which I missed when accepting it. I didn’t realize this until I got to the destination system and couldn’t find the orbital station listed in the navigation panel.

In the system was a nearby NAV Beacon which I plotted a course for headed to, this thinking maybe this was part of the mission that I skipped over. I approached the NAV beacon and scanned it- nothing. I sat there in front of that NAV Beacon a long time, completely motionless trying to figure out what my next move was.

All during this time various ships zipped and out of that beacon, I mean a lot of ships. Finally a couple approached me in really close proximity and I started to think sitting here wasn’t such a good idea. at that moment a got warning about ‘grappling hook bots’ or something like that had attached themselves to me and I finally hit boost and hi-waked out of there.

Nav Beacons ? Grappling hooks ?!

Something I forgot to mention. The mission I took had a planetary landing element to it which I missed when accepting it. I didn’t realize this until I got to the destination system and couldn’t find the orbital station listed in the navigation panel.

In the system was a nearby NAV Beacon which I plotted a course for headed to, this thinking maybe this was part of the mission that I skipped over. I approached the NAV beacon and scanned it- nothing. I sat there in front of that NAV Beacon a long time, completely motionless trying to figure out what my next move was.

All during this time various ships zipped and out of that beacon, I mean a lot of ships. Finally a couple approached me in really close proximity and I started to think sitting here wasn’t such a good idea. at that moment a got warning about ‘grappling hook bots’ or something like that had attached themselves to me and I finally hit boost and hi-waked out of there.

Nav Beacons ? Grappling hooks ?!


If it's an unknown system for you you should scan it with the Discovery Scanner then FSS (every ship now has it) so you can see the station where you need to go. Don't bother with the nav beacon. Also, the more time you spend either in supercruise or normal flight, the more chance the game will generate pirates for you. So your best bet is to deliver the cargo as soon as possible and not fly around with it. In case of interdictions (which will happen regularly no matter what you do) the best tactic is to avoid them. It's not hard at all. If you do want to fight pirates then I recommend it only with a Python at least. I know it's a more expensive ship but until you can't afford it (+ a rebuy!) I don't recommend fighting. The Asp Explorer is a great ship and it can defend itself but you never know what kind of pirate attacks you. It's not a life insurance fighting in an Asp.
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