Planet Aquarium

Planet Aquarium is a Business Simulation/Management Game that focuses on Aquatic Species and will be spirit successor to Planet Coast and Planet Zoo.

Base Game Animals

Mammals- California sea lion, Common Bottlenose Dolphin, False Killer Whale, Gray Seal, Harbor Seal, Killer Whale, Pygmy Killer Whale, Sea Otter, and Steller Sea Lion.
Birds- Atlantic Puffin, Common Murre, Great cormorant, Double-crested cormorant and little pied cormorant
Reptiles- American crocodile, Hawksbill sea turtle, Leatherback sea turtle, Mangrove monitor, Marine iguana, Olive sea snake, and Saltwater crocodile.
Fish- Amberjack, Atlantic bluefin tuna, Atlantic Herring, Atlantic Needlefish, cardinalfish, Coelacanth, Blue chromis, Blue shark, Bull Shark, Chub mackerel, Cobia, Cownose Sting ray, Dragon moray, Flathead grey mullet,
Great hammerhead shark, Green chromis, Green moray, Grey reef shark, Hogfish, Laced moray, Lemon shark, Lined seahorse, Long-spine porcupinefish, Mahi-mahi, Mandarinfish, Moorish idol, Nurse shark, Ocellaris clownfish, Orbicular batfish, Pacific white-sided dolphin, Pigfish, Pilot fish, Pilot Whale, Pinfish, Pompano, Porkfish, Red drum, Red lionfish, Red Porgy, Red Snapper, Regal tang, Sandbar Shark, Sand tiger shark, Sergeant major, Sheepshead, Southern stingray, Spanish mackerel, Spotted Eagle Ray, Spiny dogfish, Tiger shark, Titan triggerfish, Tomato clownfish, Whale shark, Whitespotted bamboo shark and Yellowfin tuna
Invertebrates- Atlantic sea nettle, Blue Crab, Japanese spider crab, Maine Lobster, Moon Jelly, Portuguese man o' war, and Snow Crab

Animal Packs- Indo-Pacific Pack, Arctic Pack, Coral Reef Pack, Atlantic Pack, Pacific Pack, Abyssal Depths Pack, Brackish Water Pack, Oceania Pack, Mediterrean Sea Pack, Predators of the Deep Pack, Tidepool Pack and South Pole Pack
DLC Animals
Indo-Pacific Pack- Banded pipefish, Bicolor chromis, Bobbit Worm, Bowmouth guitarfish, Commerson's frogfish, Dwarf hawkfish, Dugong, Rabbitfish, Spotted garden eel, Stonefish, yellow longnose butterflyfish, and Zebra Shark.
Arctic Pack- Beluga Whale, Greenland shark, Horned Puffin, Lion's Mane Jelly, Narwhal, Tufted Puffin, and Walrus.
Coral Reef Pack- Blacktip reef shark, Coral catshark, Longhorn cowfish, Reef manta ray, Powder blue tang, Sailfin tang, Spotted wobbegong, Variety of Corals, and Yellow tang.
Atlantic Pack- Atlantic Cod, Atlantic halibut, Atlantic spadefish, Atlantic tarpon, Bonnethead, Crevalle jack, Lookdown, Permit, Red Grouper, Scalloped hammerhead shark, Southern Stingray, and Yellow stingray.
Pacific Pack- Bat ray, California Sheephead, Clown triggerfish, Commerson's Dolphin, Hawaiian squirrelfish, Leopard shark, Lined Chiton, Pacific Bonito, Salmon shark, Sea Neetle, and Snowflake moray.
Predators of the Deep Pack- Giant Squid, Goliath Grouper, Great Barrucuda, Shortfin mako shark, and White Shark.
Abyssal Depths Pack- Comb Jelly, Frilled Shark, Giant Isopod, Goblin Shark, Hatchetfish, Humpback Anglerfish, Lanternfish, Pelican Eel and Vampire Squid.
Brackish Water Pack- Atlantic mudskipper, Banded Archerfish, Dragon Goby, Four-eyed fish, Horseshoe Crab, Mangrove Red Snapper, red‐jointed fiddler crab and Upside-Down Jellyfish.
Oceania Pack- Blue-Ringed Octopus, Cone snail, Freshwater Crocodile, Giant grouper, Mantis Shrimp, Port Jackson shark, Spiny seahorse and Spotted handfish.
Mediterrean Sea Pack- Angel shark, Flying gurnard, John Dory, Live sharksucker, Mediterranean monk seal, Mediterranean moray, and Swordfish.
Tidepool Pack- Blue Sea Star, Brittle Sea Star, Brownbanded bamboo shark, Common Sea Star, Common Whelk, Purple Sea Urchin, and Sea Cucumber.
South Pole Pack-
Adélie penguin, Chinstrap penguin, Emperor penguin, Gentoo penguin, King penguin, Leopard Seal, Magellanic penguin, Northern rockhopper penguin, and Southern rockhopper penguin.

Expansion Packs- Freshwater Environment, Prehistoric Sea, Rivers of Life, Showtime under the sea and Lost city of Atlantis

Expansion Animals
Freshwater Environment
Mammals- African Clawless Otter, Asian Small-Clawed Otter, Beaver, Hippopotamus, Muskrat, and River Otter
Fish- American Eel, Alligator Gar, American Yellow Perch, American paddlefish, Atlantic sturgeon, Blue Catfish, Bluegill, Bowfin, Brook Trout, Brown Trout, Chain Pickerel, Channel Catfish, Chinook salmon, Common snook, Goliath Tigerfish, lake sturgeon, lake trout, Largemouth Bass, Longnose Gar, Muskellunge, Mekong Giant Catfish, Nile Tilapia, Northern Pike, Rainbow Trout, Russian sturgeon, Shortnose sturgeon, Smallmouth Bass, Sockeye Salmon, Spotted Gar, and Walleye
Birds- Common Loon, Mallard and Hooded merganser
Reptiles- Alligator Snapping Turtle, American Alligator, Asian giant softshell turtle, Chinese Alligator, Common Snapping Turtle, Cottonmouth, Florida softshell turtle, Painted turtle, Red-eared slider, Spiny softshell turtle, and Water Moccasin
Invertebrates- Crayfish and Freshwater Prawn
Amphibians- African Bullfrog, American Bullfrog, Chinese giant salamander, Eastern Tiger Salamander, Hellbender and Japanese Giant Salamander

Prehistoric Sea
Mammals- Ambulocetus, Basilosaurus, Livyatan, Odobenocetops, and Pakicetus
Fish- Bananogmius, Bothriolepis, Cephalaspis, Cladoselache, Coccosteus, Dunkleosteus, Edesteus, Enchodus, Gillicus, Haikouichthys, Helicoprion, Hybodus, Hyneria, Jagorina, Leedsichthys, Macromesodon, Materpiscis, Megalodon, Onchopristis, Protosphyraena, Rhizodus, Stethacanthus, Squalicorax and Xenacanthus
Reptiles Archelon, Cryptoclidus, Cymbospondylus, Deinosuchus, Dolichorhynchops, Elasmosaurus, Henodus, Ichthyosaurus, Liopleurodon
, Metriorhynchus, Ophthalmosaurus, Platecarpus, Placodus, Plesiosaurus, Protostega, Psephoderma, Sarcosuchus, Stenopterygius, Styxosaurus, Temnodontosaurus and Tylosaurus
Birds- Great Auk and Hesperornis
Invertebrates- Ammonite, Anomalocaris, Brontoscorpio, Cameraceras, Eurypterus, Megalograptus, Pterygotus, and Trilobite
Amphibians- Beelzebufo, Eryop, Hynerpeton and Tiktaalik

Rivers of Life
Fish- Arapaima, Angelfish, Australian bass, Australian lungfish, Bala shark, Black Piranha, Blue Discus, Clown loach, Electric eel, Freshwater Dorado, Green Discus, Marbled lungfish, New Zealand longfin eel, Mekong Giant Freshwater Ray, Oscar, Pacu, Payara, Peacock Bass, Piraiba, Rainbow trout, Red-Bellied Piranha, Redtail Catfish, Red Discus, Siamese fighting fish, Silver Arowana, Silver Dollar, Silver Hatchetfish, South American lungfish, and Tiger barb
Reptiles- Baiji, Black Caiman, Black Tegu, Crocodile monitor, Green Anaconda, Malaysian giant turtle, Mata Mata, Siamese Crocodile, Spectacled Caiman and Tomistomas.
Mammals- Amazon River Dolphin, Giant Otter, Water Monitor, and West Indian Manatee.
Birds- American Flamingo, Great Blue Heron, Great Egret, Spoonbill and Wood duck

Amphibians- African dwarf frog, Axolotl, Common Surinam toad, Crested Newt, and Iranian newt

Lost City of Atlantis
Fish- Caribbean reef shark, Ocean Sunfish, and Sardine

Base Game Themed Scenery

Planet Aquarium Theme

Coastal Theme

Ocean Theme

Pirate Theme

DLC Theme Scenery

Hawaiian Theme

Prehistoric Theme

Mediterranean Theme

Antarctica Theme

Abyss Theme

Caribbean Theme

Oceanian Theme

Shipwreck Theme

Mountain Theme

Tropical River Theme

Atlantis Theme

Gameplay Mechanics
Creation Mechanic returns
Building Mechanic returns
Interaction Mechanic introduced
Show Mechanic introduced
Animal Camera returns
Touch Pool Mechanic Introduced
Barrier Mechanic return
Algae Growth Mechanic introduced

Returning Food Stands- Bernie's Bakes, Chief Beef, Chow Mein Chow, Cosmic Cow Ice Cream, Haya Sushi, Hot Dog Squad, Mexelente, Missy Good, Monsieur Frites, Pizza Pen and Tikichiki.
New Food Stands- Breadking, Candy Emporium, Filet 'o' Fish, Pretzelmania, Poppin pops, and Le Soupe.
Returning Drink Stands- Cosmic Cow Milkshakes, Gulpee Energy, Gulpee Soda, Gulpee Slush, Pipshot Juice, Pipshot Smoothies, Pipshot Water, and Street Fox Coffee.
New Drink Stands-Lemonhead, and Sir Lexington Tea Bags.
Returning Souviner Brands and Others- Hat's Fantastic, Just a Momento, and Loony Bloons.
New Souviner Brands and Others- Goldie's Bowl, Shirt All Over and Gem Mines.
Returning Amenities- ATM, Donation Box, Information Center, and Toliets.
New Amenities- Feeding Stand
Returning Staff Buildings- Quarantine, Research Centre, Staff Room Trade Centre, Transformers, Water Treatment,and Veterinary Surgery.

New Staff Buildings- Aquarists Room, Filter Cleaner, Connection Wire, Temperature Machine, Humidity Device and Education Room.
New Viewable Buildings- Underwater Tunnel and
Oceanarium Dome

Availability on PC, Ps5, Ps6, Xbox Series X & Y.

Title Update Animals- Spiny Dogfish, Electric Ray and Harbor Porpoise.

Cleaner Animals- Plecos, Cleaner Shrimp and Wrasse.
Man, this game would be awesome. I’m not sure if it’ll really happen but it could be a potential possibility after Planet Zoo wraps up support. I would happily buy.
I never understand why people would want this as its own game.

“Yes, I paid for all of these animals and expansions in one game, let me do it all over again with no cross compatibility at all!”
Ignoring the sea lions, dolphins, and whatever else, a game where you build a dedicated aquarium (not a marine park, because then you might as well ask "why not cross over with Planet Coaster as well?") isn't that strange of an idea. Something like Megaquarium writ large would be a great game.
The idea I came up with is bellow
You got some better theme ideas
I’d join forces with you on planet Aquarium

Planet Aquarium.
A game that can function similar to both PZ, PC and JWE2 in regards to animal care and guest attractions. Your aquarium can be built inside and outside that can be expanded anytime. Also you have several floors where you can build on, some tanks can be so big they cover 2 floors.

Aquarium themes: while watching The Aquarium and remembering visits to the Monterey aquarium I thought of some themes.
Aquatic theme that we have in PZ
Sunken ship: scenic pieces that can represent sunken ships
Polar: perhaps igloo style or research vessel style
Florida/Hawaii/Caribbean type
Deep sea: darker low light theme. Maybe submarine like.
Atlantic: think coastal New England or coastal Europe style builds
River lands: think bayou or a theme that would go well with being on a freshwater river.

Tanks/habitats/avairies: different from our exhibits and our habitats of PZ.
Types will include
Micro tanks: be much smaller then our exhibits, preferably for very small creatures that won’t move around much or at all

Small tanks: small schooling fish, larger crabs, maybe a little bit smaller than our exhibits. Completely customizable background and what’s inside is completely up to you.

Medium tanks: somewhere close in size to our WEs. For animals that would need some more space due to their size. Small tank animals can be included if desired.

Large tanks: meant for obviously larger animals. These tanks size can be increased to the players desire.

Habitats: so these will not be like ours in PZ. They are like setting a tank but has a land area and a water area, both sizes can be increased as well as depth. When making the habitat deeper, you will have see through window for guests to watch the habitat animals dive without needing to have a land area of the glass like in PZ

Aviary: yes the time has come. Can be built like the habitats mentioned above and topped off with a canopy. Meant for coastal, shore and wadding birds in particular but open to suggestions.

Animal examples
Micro tanks: Nudibranchs, very small crabs etc
Small tank
Crustaceans, eels, mollusks.
Small fish of all types and variety.

Medium tank animals
individual animals such as groupers, sting rays, eels, knife fish, alligator gar, small sharks, salmon, octopus, any big freshwater marine life.

Large tanks animals
Sharks, manta rays, tuna, lions mane jellies, anything that is big and would need a lot of room.

Aviary animals
Atlantic puffins, tufted puffins, horned puffins, rhino auklets, murres, kittiwakes, boobys, sand pipers, gulls, cormorants, eiders, herons, ibis, pelicans, storks, oystercatchers, the list can go on for a while.

Marine iguanas
Sea turtles
Feel free to recommend

All eared and true pinnipeds are welcome.
Likely keep California sea lions
A fur seal
Sure gray seals but I think we could get some other true seals at launch to mix things up.

On the fence about polar bears

Giant otters can come along
Sea otters
Asian small claw can come along

I’d be happy to keep the penguins we have in game, a rockhopper would be a nice addition.

At least no cetaceans at launch, just so people who are against it don’t have to support it. Maybe as a final dlc that has belugas and dolphins, a completely optional dlc that you don’t have to buy or support? Say belugas rescued from those pens in Russia, dolphins that can’t be released from standings?

Absolutely off limits
Baleen whales are not realistic.
orcas are way too controversial and I will never support.
great white sharks and giant squid are cool but they are not found in aquariums.

Guest features.
Theaters: some small with videos on repeat and large IMAX theaters that will play a variety of films that have to do with the ocean or your aquariums mission.

Touch tanks: you can pick what types of creatures you want in certain touch tanks. Educators will work these stations. Build multiple to cover the amount of guests you have.
Education boards similar to PZ but cover ocean related issues
Animal talk points return

Staff stuff
Staff facilities will be different, somewhat more compatible to JwE2. When you build your aquarium, you will set up staff only areas which you can upgrade to have a security room, staff break room, marketing office, staff upgrade areas, etc.

mechanical room: an area underneath the aquarium or in a separate building. This room will have generators, water filters and all the stuff a functioning aquarium would need. Upgradable and can add as many generators as needed, the room will also supply you with mechanics to maintain the power structures as needed.

Animal market
Did some brainstorming and I thought of the unique ways you can acquire dinosaurs in JWE and I thought of how some aquarists come about certain creatures.
Buy from fish stores, animal breeders, other aquariums etc.
Strandings: animals that washed up on shore that are deemed non releasable, young animals that rely on their mothers and got lost (think how sea otters are). Send some of your staff out just like in JWe2 on rounding up Dino’s.

Dives: so you get research boats, start with a small dive boat and eventually you can get access to a large research vessel. Send divers to specific areas and collect whatever they can. You can have them look for something in particular or always random. So times they will come back with fish or crabs, they may also come back with sea urchins, unique sea plants that you can add to your tanks.

Random other features
Workshop: you have your own workshop where you can design your own tanks and builds for your aquarium. view what unique items you have acquired in dives that you would like to include in your builds. Also there are tanks that you can use to breed animals so that you can replenish your aquariums with members that have died.

Movie making: as mentioned before with theaters, you can have crew film dives, research expeditions and other stuff via the boats. If you get enough footage of subjects you can complete the footage you need for the theaters.
Gift shops will return
Cafes and small food kiosks can be included, Im not sure if our current restaurants and food/drink vendors really would fit in.
I would like a detailed aquarium game, Megaquarium is a lot of fun!

Personally I don’t care for extinct animals, and I would rather have the game be super authentic. Like only certain animals can be bred and kept in captivity. Something like a whale shark would have to be rescued.
Every time someone suggest a planet aquarium my mind always go to the kangoroos, koalas, meerkats and polar bears at the São Paulo aquarium lol
I never understand why people would want this as its own game.

“Yes, I paid for all of these animals and expansions in one game, let me do it all over again with no cross compatibility at all!”
But the vast majority of the proposed animals aren't currently in PZ. The only cross-compatibility would be for some of the themed pieces, which has very little effect on those of us who don't have a heavy focus on building and building. I have about 2% of your talent and imagination(and patience!!) at building lol.

As others have said, many - perhaps most - of us don't think Frontier will add Flying Birds to PZ, and hardly anyone thinks fully Aquatic animals will ever be added.
A new game would come with updated game systems, graphics, etc. It would also allow Frontier to fix certain issues we have such as pathing, gameplay, water textures, etc...although a new game would of course come with it's own unique issues.
I never will understand why this is such a popular idea. I see this as basically “so we didn’t get aquatics in PZ, huh, ok let’s put ‘em in their own game that’ll work!”

You can already create tanks and aquariums in PZ, heck you can even make tanks for animals that are in PZ like sea lion and seal.

I don’t care if you can make tanks slightly different with what shape they are or what colours of coral you choose, making tank after tank will get boring and won’t give as much freedom as PZ with all the variety of animal types we have. Wouldn’t want it whatsoever.
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