Horizons Planetary and system maps

Apologies if this has been posted elsewhere or if it is common knowledge but did you realise that if you keep zooming in on a landable planet in the system map it automatically and seamlessly opens the planetry map, it works the other way too to get back out to the system map. Nice touch FD. Just thought it was with sharing for those that did not know, it's little things like this that give the game polish.
Yep accidentally descovered that last night whilst scrolling/zooming out with mouse wheel!
Nice touch, btw those planetary maps are lovely, very well done with nice ambient music.....kinda got an Assassin's Creed feel about it somehow I thought.

Apologies if this has been posted elsewhere or if it is common knowledge but did you realise that if you keep zooming in on a landable planet in the system map it automatically and seamlessly opens the planetry map, it works the other way too to get back out to the system map. Nice touch FD. Just thought it was with sharing for those that did not know, it's little things like this that give the game polish.
So that's how you get back to the System Map without going back to cockpit in between! Thanks for the info, +1. :)
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