Please restore the game store purchase confirmation step in game

When I buy something in the ARX store, I always appreciated the confirmation step. I believe it has been removed with this release

Oh, what a release though good good nice developments on our frontiers. Asides from such nice things, and as pertains this topic --

I'd like to add that making that change concurrently with the big release, to me, it struck me as poor form compared to my impressions. I've only been playing a few years - since during the pandemic - as concerns what impressions I personally made during that time, in other words. Impressions of the intention or spirit and the solidity of Elite and Frontier and especially Elite 4: Dangerous


The Noon family narrator
Sol, MW
PTF (posting to follow).

IF TRUE it is something that needs to be adressed as there is no undo function.

I am sure it is an oversight of course.
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