Posesión de naves múltiples


Volunteer Moderator
(Nota: Este post también esta indexado en la sección de diseño del hilo de cabecera "Enlaces e información útil")

Como ya sabeis se pueden tener en hangares en diversas localidades naves multiples...

Esto nos ha llevado a algunos a preguntarnos como funcionara el tema de pasar de una a otra. Por ejemplo, si te vas a explorar muy lejos en la galaxia, como haces para de vez en cuando jugar un poquillo y hacer pew pew en los sistemas centrales? O si tu estas en un lado de la galaxia, como haces de repente para poder jugar conmigo que estoy en la otra punta?

Nos podremos teleportar? :p

La respuesta a estas preguntas viene por partida doble:

Por un lado esta el DDA sobre posesion de naves multiples que indica claramente que no habra sistema de teleportacion... Habra un servicio de transporte de naves que te las puede traer a donde tu estes, pero en principio los jugadores no podran teleportarse de ninguna manera.

Por otro lado esta el siguiente post de Sandro Samarco en el foro privado de backers hablando de como cada jugador podra crearse mas de un comandante dentro del juego. Cada jugador podra usar libremente esos diferentes comandantes (se habla de hasta 3) pero nunca podra hacerlo a la vez. Es decir un solo log in para todos los comandantes que se hayan podido crear.

Hello Private Backers!

Your flurry of activity has indeed, worked! Here's our current thinking. Remember of course, that all usual caveats apply; this is not set in stone - we might change our mind.

So, current thinking is to have a small number of characters available per account. Say perhaps three normal characters. These can be "normal" commanders or "perma-death" commanders. Only one could ever be active "in-game" at a time and there would be no concept of links between them (so no shared stash, or reputation ties or any such stuff).

Our reasoning so far is as follows:

* More than one person can have a commander, so family members can get in on the act (of course, to play at the same time you'd need two accounts, but this is still - I think - a benefit. Personally I like to think that multiple commanders allows additional players to dip their toes and hopefully progress into obtaining additional accounts.)

* Player choices in-game can be more about the specific commander, reducing the worry that a bad call will ruin everything achieved so far. This is actually quite important; I want to train people away from the idea that there are "right" and "wrong" ways to play Elite: Dangerous. There are just choices and consequences, and we're trying to ensure that all lead to more fun. I want to remove barriers to player experimentation, whilst retaining consequence; I think multiple commanders helps this cause.

* Any potential exploits for multiple commanders almost certainly exists the the multiple account level as well, so limiting an account to one commander would not save us the time and effort of guarding against multiple commander exploits.

* Any serious player infractions (exploits and cheating, player abuse etc.) would always be dealt with on an account basis rather than at the commander level.

* Multiple commanders allow a player to have multiple roleplay options available at the same time, which could be very useful (e.g. I have a scoundrel pirate and a legit trader available depending on my mood, which friends are online etc.)

* I don't find the terms "main", "alt" or "toon" particularly useful in what we are creating. Whilst at a basic level you could certainly argue that the commander with the best current gear/most money/best contacts is your "main" there are no levels - that money can be lost, the gear can be broken, powerful friends can become deadly enemies.

Now this is not to say that we are casually dismissing potential dangers of multiple commanders. We are and always will be on the look out for exploits and activity that undermines the experience (the "cheapening" effect is a valid concern we have considered). But at the moment, we feel a more compelling argument can be made for multiple commanders.

I hope this gives a clear enough picture of our intentions as they stand currently.

De esta manera los jugadores podran tener varios comandantes dentro del juego, cada uno posiblemente en diferentes localidades de la galaxia. En esta Beta 3 que empiza e final de mes imagino que todavia no habra la posibilidad de tener comandantes multiples en el juego, aunque todo puede ser...[/quote]
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