General Possible New Creature Additions

Just popped into my brain the other day, thought I'd post here and see if anyone can come up with other creatures for other planets we might visit once atmospheres are landable.

Already mentioned gas giants with water-based life in the upper atmosphere. I suggested that while we might scoop up things there, SPACE WHALES might want to scoop us up for dinner. Might require some fancy flying to avoid being dinner.

Planets with water vapor (or primarily water vapor mixed with other things): Small creatures that can break down water into it's components, using hydrogen to fill that odd gas bag that helps it float and uses oxygen for life processes. I'm sure someone can come up with something dangerous living there.

AI life forms. A thousand years back (or more, I'm not picky) "they" became sentient and overthrew their human makers, went to a planet (high metal content??) to live and reproduce. Expanding to a few systems (possibly 6-10 systems) but might be interested in trade if you have something they'd like. Of course, since they are very suspicious of their human creators, you might want to tread carefully in first contact with them. They may be quick to anger (or at least, react to a perceived aggression). This group should be VERY dangerous. A kill by them should result NOT in a re-buy screen - it should result in a "PLEASE ENTER YOUR NEW COMMANDER'S NAME" screen. Tread carefully and be on your best diplomatic behavior. Also, still using warp speed, not hyperspace jumps.

Anyone else?
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