Powerplay Protectores Zemina Nostri condemns pilots who prepare Warwa

We condemn people who prepare Warwa for Zemina Torval.
If you really do not know why this is bad, check this out.

Now we are the people forced to pay out of our pockets to fix the damage you caused. I am among those who pay MILLIONS because of you.

Newbie... Clueless... Spy... Terrorist...
Who ever you are, the damage you are causing is a bloody dagger coated with poison stabbed into our back.

If we find you in the open we will hunt you down.
If we find your name we will remember you.
Better make your amendments and better your ways now. If you do not want to do it officially, at least visit our Reddit and begin to contribute to your power instead of trying to kill us.

We present other pilots with a list on how to discover a Warwa-prepper.
We deny all charges that we are Warwa-phobic.


These are things you can take with you to keep your guard up and protect yourself early, should you encounter a Warwa-prepper.
  1. Loitering. They will hang around with no obvious reason. This should be regarded with suspicion since they are likely to be plotting vicous acts. Like preparing Warwa.
  2. Loose, baggy clothes. There's a reason for these, they are used to conceal guns, knives and trade agreements they are trying to take to Warwa.
  3. Seedy behavior. They will act nervous if watched. A warwa-prepper ready to prepare warwa will act nervous, jumpy and paranoid. Stear clear and alert authority (if you are not already one yourself).
  4. Angry/hungry eyes. It’s often said that the eyes are the window to the soul. When a person’s eyes look angry, haunted or aggressive, it’s likely because the soul behind them is equally dark. Facial expression is an ancient form of communication that pre-dates even spoken language, and we all have an innate ability to sense most people’s intentions by simply reading the look in their eyes. Take such messages as serious as the trade agreements they have in cargo.
  5. Sunglasses in cockpit. One way for warwa-preppers to try to conceal their identities - and their intentions - is by wearing sunglasses. Of course, near a sun, sunglasses are perfectly appropriate. But at a starport in Warwa? They become a legitimate cause for concern.

(disclaimer: if you do not understand this is humor, then sorry about that)
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I suppose we need to hang wanted posters between warwa and the control system. Issue bounties, and missions on the bulletin boards.
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I suppose we need to hang wanted posters between warwa and the control system. Issue bounties, and missions on the bulletin boards.

This is not a bad idea. I suspect most of my tons of political prisoners next week will be former Torvalians who tried to prep Warwa.
The worst part is that the system doesn't even produce high value metals, but rather low value minerals like indite and rutile. Their most valuable export is marine equipment, so there is absolutely no trade value for this particular system.
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