[PSA] Oculus Rift is getting a massive $200 discount!

Makes me question my recent Vive buy a bit more. But then again I don't wanna support the closed eco system philosophy that Oculus tries to nurture, so there only was one real option for me (+ I'm wearing glasses and Vive is supposed to be more comfortable with those).
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Makes me question my recent Vive buy a bit more. But then again I don't wanna support the closed eco system philosophy that Oculus tries to nurture, so there only was one real option for me (+ I'm wearing glasses and Vive is supposed to be more comfortable with those).

IMHO you have chosen well, though the Elite performance crown is with the Rift. I was lucky to secure a boxing day discount for the vive, so the news doesn't bother me as much. We will see how HTC responds, I've envisioned "VR wars" like good old ATI vs NVidia times ;-). This will be good for VR in the long run, I suppose.
This is great news for VR that the price is going down.

Since the touch controllers and the extra sensor also have got a price cut, I think I'm gonna get that now.
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