Purchase modules into storage and module locating

I don't know if this is a thing yet, forgot to try it in beta though then again did the end of beta still have the blobs that were (luckily) not in the final release so whatever, but I was thinking about how useful it could be to buy modules straight into the storage.

The main reason that comes to mind is stocking up on modules for a ship you plan on buying or already got but aren't flying currently.

For example: I come across a station that has A7 shields and I'd like to take one in advance for when I get myself an Anaconda.
Having the option to buy that shield even though my ship can't hold it and put it therefore straight into the storage would be a nice option.
Dunno if you can mod stored modules, that might also be a nice addition.

Another problem with modules is finding them in the first place. No idea if the new journal holds information about a stations equipment and other goods, but either way should ED start to get it's stuff together and try catching up with Freelancer in this regard.
Namely the fact that Freelancer had already back in it's day the ability to check remotely what station sold what ships, equipment, cargo and what ever else there was from a distance.
You just needed to have been there once and the information was easily available at your fingertips. Granted, unlike ED had FL fixed prices from start to finish, but given what ED has otherwise to offer would I say that that'd be hardly a problem. Just keep the prices from the last visit there and if they changed a lot, well, bad luck then.
That'd still beat knowing jack**** about what a station has or has not available, which usually doesn't change. Atleast not for equipment as far as I know. Cargo stock is a different thing but that's another ancient topic.

The problem with adding this is for one the UI, as to how to display this information because ED has a LOT more stations than FL.
But for another is the problem how FD so far handled informations in general. Either you barely get told anything and what you get told is as permanent as smoke so either write it down yourself or don't bother at all, or the other approach is telling you EVERYTHING without any action on your part, like blackmarkets for example. Never been to the station, you get told anyways that it has a blackmarket.
Though given that you can't check from a distance what you'd get for your stolen good is that probably evening it out.

About the UI I actually have no real idea how to handle it, there'd be a lot of information so it'd be likely a screen filling thing like the station UI itself, but given that it should operate based on your "known" parts of the galaxy should it be accessible anywhere.
Though stations could offer the purchase of additional data of nearby systems, just like the galmap does, even if I STILL don't know what that actually does...
Maybe kind of personal journal logbook which can be accessed from the nav panel where the galmap and system map can also be reached right panel's status tab instead of the "View Engineers" button. Engineers would be just one of multiple things to check up on that then.
And then have panel pop up in the middle with very little transparency just like the station UI and there you can check what stations you've been to, how long that's been, what they offered for which price when you last were there and such stuff.

Mhm, this suggestion grew a little much past the initial idea while writing xD
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