{PvE} Belie Anarchist Party

Belie Anarchist Party (Family of Belie)

Mercenaries, Bounty Hunters, Smugglers and the Scum of the Bubble come together.

Main Details about the Party

1. The Party is not affiliated with any particular Power

2. You do not have to be associated with the Party to come Bounty hunt or smuggle in our System

3. The Party is in control of a large populated system that is all Gas giants with Resource Extraction sites

4. The Party members will be tasked with operations that will bring anarchy among our enemies

The Party promotes the idea of choice, no matter what that might be! Party decisions are decided based on member's opinions and follows the 'majority' opinion. Party activities range from corrupting nearby systems to Belie to helping bring States of Boom to Belie or even expanding anarchy systems. So if you enjoy the right to lawlessness then join up! The Party needs all the Anarchists!

Want to Join?!

1. You do not have to be an experienced player to join the Party

2. If you enjoy bounty hunting, mining, combat, trading, and just flying in a wing and have a place to call home then join!

3. The system is under Anarchy control so fugitives are welcome

4. Empire and Federation officials are classified as enemies of the State

5. You must not be affiliated with any Major Power

6. Combat is a big part of what the Party does

Message O0h B0B SaggeT (last 2 O's are zeros 0)

Overall this will be a laid back community, with not many rules or structure like a military. Instead the Party focuses on a 'by the majority' voting on decisions and areas of interest. The leader is O0h B0B SaggeT (GT) so message on xbox live if you're interested in joining the Party or even if you are not interested in the Party check out our system for some great Bounty hunting.
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