pvp groups ??


I am fairly new to game and would like to get into pvp. Any suggestions about who to get in touch with? im open to pirating (non consensual) or bounty hunting. currently piloting a vulture.


Hey Rift Scorn,

Lokun Listamenn is a proxy-warfare/bounty hunting organization with a focus on combat and pvp. We're part of an alliance with Emperor's Grace, and we have an active teamspeak with friendly and knowledgeable players who are available to play with and help. Apply for Lokun Listamenn at the site below, and fly safe, Commander!

Hello! I represent the I.P.C. a group of Independent pilots from all across the world. The bulk of our pilots fly during EU time. We are about 20-30 strong but of course we are not all on at the same time. We are very goal and mission oriented and have several of our own personal operations running. We take the side that we see fit. It may be Empire on day and Federal the next. Come check us out!
Senatus Populusque Romanus (SPQR) is always open to pilots hungering for pvp! Being an OPEN PLAY group, pvp is not unfamiliar to us. For instance, some members are part time traders and requires protection. For your pirating itch, I have released operations previously that calls for pirating in order to push a status upon a faction.

As of now we are focusing on combat procedure/skill training to ready ourselves for power play.

For more details, follow this link.
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