QoL Improvement to Fire Groups


I think that it would be advantageous to commanders to be able to have separate fire group set-ups for Analysis Mode and Combat Mode. It would give more granular control of what hard points are being used and when. If I could have a different setup for FG1 in Analysis Mode than my FG1 in Combat Mode, I could save time (and theoretically my own tail) by having that quick access. Currently I could be in FG5 on mining equipment and have my weapons set up in FG1; I'd have to switch to Combat Mode and tab over to FG1. With their own FG setups, I could have my combat layout set up for all fire groups so I can switch to combat mode and not have warnings about things needing to be used in analysis mode (and vice versa), and have access to my weapons much quicker.

Just a thought.

Also what about the ability to have more then a primary and secondary. ([1] & [2] mapping option). Why not be able to map a [3] and [4]?
Things like this were suggested many times since the modes were implemented. Among the many possible suggestion, i also would prefer the implementation of different sets for analysis and combat mode, as written in this suggestion.

In the end, each and any of the many different suggestions would be a massive improvement and i would very much welcome any of them. Considering how long the problem exists, how regularily suggestions like this come up and how insistently FD ignores all of them, i by now wonder if they really just don't care or if such a simple change would actually be beyond their capabilities.
I'm convinced this "Suggestion" forum exists, so that players think they are being heard.

This is just a black hole forum.

I think that it would be advantageous to commanders to be able to have separate fire group set-ups for Analysis Mode and Combat Mode. It would give more granular control of what hard points are being used and when. If I could have a different setup for FG1 in Analysis Mode than my FG1 in Combat Mode, I could save time (and theoretically my own tail) by having that quick access. Currently I could be in FG5 on mining equipment and have my weapons set up in FG1; I'd have to switch to Combat Mode and tab over to FG1. With their own FG setups, I could have my combat layout set up for all fire groups so I can switch to combat mode and not have warnings about things needing to be used in analysis mode (and vice versa), and have access to my weapons much quicker.

Just a thought.

It's a nice thought, transforming the idea into a reality might be a bit more complicated.I'm pretty sure FD knows what they are doing,though,and in the meantime we must make best use of what we have. (y)

I think that it would be advantageous to commanders to be able to have separate fire group set-ups for Analysis Mode and Combat Mode. It would give more granular control of what hard points are being used and when. If I could have a different setup for FG1 in Analysis Mode than my FG1 in Combat Mode, I could save time (and theoretically my own tail) by having that quick access. Currently I could be in FG5 on mining equipment and have my weapons set up in FG1; I'd have to switch to Combat Mode and tab over to FG1. With their own FG setups, I could have my combat layout set up for all fire groups so I can switch to combat mode and not have warnings about things needing to be used in analysis mode (and vice versa), and have access to my weapons much quicker.

Just a thought.

You can have your analysis and combat on the same fire group. My combat ships have scanners and guns on 1 and limpets on 2. I just have an annoying message in the upper right saying wrong fire mode while I am using what I need at the moment.
You can have your analysis and combat on the same fire group. My combat ships have scanners and guns on 1 and limpets on 2. I just have an annoying message in the upper right saying wrong fire mode while I am using what I need at the moment.
If they'd just remove the message I'd be happy enough.
I just have an annoying message in the upper right saying wrong fire mode while I am using what I need at the moment.
If they'd just remove the message I'd be happy enough.
That's the least they could do.
I find it a nuisance that most of the time analysis mode is generally much more useful to me than combat mode (super cruise honking, DSS, mining), but that in its current implementation important messages get blocked by obnoxious oversized warnings, reduced by lists of surface objects and hotspots which I could easily find in the navigation panel, while the blue overlay makes all surface scanned bodies ugly.
Long ago, FD explained that adding more triggers would not be compatible with the UI. Saying that the binary nature of the UI is not compatible with more than two triggers, and would require an infeasible re-design.

Having the fire groups be Mode dependent is a nice idea.
About time we had a third fire button.

If they'd just remove the message I'd be happy enough.

Same here. Merely the -option- to switch that message off would be a suitable fix. Crude and simple, but it would already do the job.

Long ago, FD explained that adding more triggers would not be compatible with the UI. Saying that the binary nature of the UI is not compatible with more than two triggers, and would require an infeasible re-design.

As far as i remember, it was not a UI thing. Their reasoning is compatibility between different input devices. So due to people playing on console controllers, we won't get more triggers.
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