Question about Explorering in 1.4

I've been thinking about taking the old asp out exploring again in solo/mobius and I was wondering should i be using a C or B shield now with the interdiction and AI changes? I currently have a D class shield on the thing along with weapons and chaff and heat sink launchers. Also one other question does the Anaconda work well at exploring or does the repair bill out weigh the profits from exploring? Figured I'd try and think of another ship to bring exploring sometime, tempted to do a clipper run too but the jump range seems low for super deep exploration.

Any opinions on this or tips would be appreciated =)
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A couple of pointers:
-Drop all weapons. When returning with a large cache of data you should flee from any encounter. Never fight when you have so much to lose (and so little to gain).
-Defensive stuff like chaff and shields are fine. It's a personal choice if/how much you want.
-If you want a larger shield, instead of considering the C and B versions, you should take a look at the A of the same class, or the D of a higher class.
-Both Anaconda and Asp are fine. But for anyone starting their first trip I'd suggest the Asp.
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Since you're saying you're going solo / mobius.. Even if it's harder to avoid interdictions now, it's still easy to avoid getting killed by NPC's. Submit, boost away with FA off and jump as soon as FSD goes off cooldown. Nothing to worry about, the Asp won't get blown up in those few seconds while the FSD is charging.

Basically, you're overthinking this. A D3 shield is more than enough to cover you for those few seconds, you'll be fine. Certainly not worth reducing your jump range over this.
Personally I have a small shield on my ASP, just a D3. When I get back from my latest trip I am planning on cashing in at HIP 5358, a system with an outpost less than 100 ls from the central star. It takes only a few seconds to reach the outpost after dropping into the system - so there isn't time for anyone to lock on and interdict.

I'm sure there are plenty of other systems near the edges of the bubble with close-in stations and outposts that would serve the same function.
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