Question about the two Original Sin games.

D:OS2 reaches completely new levels in co-op. Have a friend or two and amaze how golden some game can be. 👌
Definitely one of the best if not THE best co-op game i have ever played.
Well, but you need to have friends for this, don't you... :LOL:

Yes, well.. Despite of actually having those friends, the problem is that all of us has families and real lives. Finding the timeframe when everyone has time to play is quite hard and hence our co-op game has lasted for over 2 years now and counting... :D
Like I said, the combat really didn't sit with me well and eventually drove me away (well, it's more like I started playing something else and haven't come back yet, rather than that I wouldn't want to finish it) but the game as a whole, the story, setting, mechanics (I really loved the investigative quests and dialogue possibilities) is brilliant.
Beware of excessive aggression especially in cities, you can close entire quest paths by attacking (or angering) the "wrong" NPCs. The game doesn't limit what you can do, which is awesome, but everything you do can and probably will have consequences.

I once had to reload a save because the guy from who I needed to get vital information from got aggroed because he saw me stealing, well, "looting" some stuff inside his house.

Also try to get as much info as possible about a particular situation before comitting to irreversible decisions (although it's not always easy), not everything is what it may seem at first glance, and not everything NPCs tell you is always true.

It's a truly wonderful game if you enjoy this kind of games, but it requires quite a lot of time to get the most of it.
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