Questions From a Console Noob

First I'd like to apologize if some of these questions have been asked repeatedly.

Second, I transferred my character over from the PS4, so some of my questions may pertain toward v4.0 and not the difference between consoles and PC.

1) One of the things I've been doing as part of switching over is setting up my EDSM account again. I finally managed to learn how to upload the journal, but I was under the impression that there was a way for this to be done automatically (like Inara) as well. While I was looking I came across EDMC, and figured that could be useful as well (at least for EDDB). I'm in the process of downloading that as I write this so if that's the case then I guess this one can be ignored, but if it's not and I'm missing something for EDSM then I'd appreciate being directed to the right spot.

2) I'm not expecting this one to work, but is there a way to get the game to play MP3s in addition to (or maybe in place of) the normal game music? Previously on the PS4 when I did the CZs I'd mute the game music, have my iPod connect to my music library, and play my aerial/space combat music mix. I was hoping that FDev allowed for custom music in this one like they do with Planet Coaster. I have a pretty decent combat mix. I'd like to have one for exploration and/or supercruise that automatically cuts out when it's supposed to like the normal music does. It gets boring listening to the same six pieces of music all the time.

3) While testing out my SRV control settings yesterday I began to notice something was different on the planet surface. On the PS4 if I drove around for a few minutes I was bound to start seeing radar returns for man-made objects. Yesterday though I was testing and driving for a good fifteen minutes, but every radar return was of a fumarole. Is this a 4.0 thing? Are the man-made things (like crashed ships/SRVs, random piles of cargo, and so forth) gone or are they harder to find now?

I guess that's all the questions I have at the moment. If I think of anymore and can't seem to find an answer I'll post here again. Thanks for any help you can give me.
1) EDMC is one of the possibilities, EDDiscovery is another for continuously uploading journal data to EDSM - and also to EDDN, the database behind e.g. EDDB or afaik Inara.
2) No. But it's one of the more often requested features.
3) can't help you there, haven't been surface prospecting in Odyssey yet
As to your 3rd question, the possibility of finding manmade structures is still there in Odessey or horizons 4.0, but Maybe you just haven't had the best luck. I assume you're just out in the middle of nowhere looking for these, and its not like you're at a settlement that doesn't show on the radar, in which case that would be a glitch.
2 The PC allready has Media players provided direct from providers just like consoles...
The PC is more than able to run A music player app in the background As were the consoles... you're given the choice what app and services you use...
Apple music
Plex (DLNA) and many more..
You don't need a secondary device for output... but having it for instant controll of the media player on PC might be good...

The primary issue is WHAT access control of that app is allowed by the Default Keyboard controls, while ED over-rides the keyboard commands... For those PCs with dedicated keyboard buttons that control media players the answer is Lots of control... for those With No access via Keyboard as there are no Media keys then theres an issue... this is were you just use the services remote controll option on other devices

If you have a Media app on the PC, then Mobiles tablets Watches can control the media if you use the correct app on the secondary device...

For Spotify, it was an advertised function called Spotify connects this allows all their players to be controlled by There applications on another device and controll every thing that plays
For Plex, same functions are offered..
For linux users using proton, there are apps to control the media player incase your not on windows...

Spoitify device selection screen...

Kde connect media control Screen linux/windows...

Ipods is the issue, ipod touch. Iphone or bargon bin android tablets is now the supported controll systems that replace keyboard controlls of applications...
On the question of EDMC. There are many plugins to use with EDMC that you might find use full (Link Below).
Personally use EDRecon, LandingPad+Overlay and Hutton Helper

Link to EDMC Plugins

Question on playing music. Run a music player in the background or on a second/third screen as suggested by GraphiteGB.
I personally listen to YouTube and use Picture in Picture feature or use my keyboard running running G19 App to listen to Hutton Orbital Radio (Filthy Truckers).

Welcome to PC Elite! The options are endless!

My video below shows landing pad plugin working
So FDev gave me ED from their website. If I end up buying Odyssey on Steam are there gonna be any issues with installing and/or running it aside from needing to tell Steam where the game folder is?
How does one see what systems have a fleet carrier in them? On the PS4 there was an option for that underneath the Star Class setting but I can't find it on PC.
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