Horizons Ram Tah - decoding ancient ruins & text from Pilots Federation?

I unlocked Ram Tah about three weeks ago. He gave a me this decoding mission and about a week ago I went to search for the ruins he mentioned. 1 million per scan + 10 million extra payment - this what I was promised. I did 61 confirmed scans and got feedback from ram Tah. Yesterday I've became a little tired and decided to head back to Meene to get my 61 millions to 10 million extra, 71 million overall.
Halfway to Meene I logged back (after the Beyond 2 update) I received a text from The Pilots Federation (picrel). Dunno why they are cancelling the mission? Anyways I got to Felice Dock, Meene to hand in the scans. They paid me 61 millions and I didn't get my 10 million bonus :(
I'm not filthy rich at the moment, bought the Krait and I could really use that promised 10 millions :) What can I do now to get my bonus pay? Open a ticket?

Wasn't the bonus a form of encouragement applied for even a single scan?
Anyways, I heard this mission is repeatable. What does it mean since it's gone from my transaction menu?
Yeah it repeatable. Just go back to Felice in Meene again and you should get another message.

I suspect the mission you had was somehow incompatible in 3.1 hence why it went and you got compo. Its happened to a few people who had all sorts missions from before the patch.
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