Random Unhappy Guests/Guest AI Issues

I have noticed that I seem to have a small selection of guests that seem to be inexplicably unhappy. Their needs are fine and they have no recent negative thoughts in their info panels, but their happiness is tanked for some reason. They'll be roaming about the zoo with their groups and everyone else is fine, but one group member just insists on being the debbie downer. Not sure if this is some kind of bug or if negative thoughts are disappearing too quickly. I also have guests that will think " I hate this place" for no apparent reason, or "This scenery sucks!" without giving a location. Also having some issues with guests bouncing between shops they can't afford rather than seeking out the nearby ATMs with the massive signs, and guests forming lines for ATMs when the one right next to it is free. Are some guests just determined to be miserable?
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Nothing constructive to add, but if FD have added a random small proportion of guests who just flat out don't like zoos but have to go because the rest of their family wants to, that would make me strangely happy.
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