Record Height above the core..

I'm at about 1980 Y, and have a plot to 2791 (Quemeou YE-A E7). Anyone got any higher? (with no FSD boosts).

I don't have a height to give you, but I could find no use for jumponium. Everything is quite reachable in a conda, then just stops dead, no outliers that I could find above Sag A.
With dwe heading up there next week (?) I am sure someone will find one if there are any of center
I'll check at home, that level sounds familiar but I never got around to work out potential records from my 600 pics from my long trip.
I remember having gone down a little under -2800, and up something over 2700.
This was before jumponium existed.
Staying close to the vertical line through Sag A*, you can get to Quemeou YE-A E8 (+2,803) without any boosts and Erimus got to Quemeou YE-A E0 (+2,849) with boost. If you look further out there are higher reachable systems and my pre-boost personal record is Quemie MR-W E1-8 at +2,854.
I got to -2867 before fsd boosts. (SLUEMOA OD-B E4) I have been gathering Jumponian to look around down there again in the coming days.
Don't know if I have time to then travel nearly 6k up and then back down to chase the fleet. Might be fun to traverse the galaxy that way.
Staying close to the vertical line through Sag A*, you can get to Quemeou YE-A E8 (+2,803) without any boosts and Erimus got to Quemeou YE-A E0 (+2,849) with boost..

YE-A E0 is a 73,99 ly jump from YE-A E8. I could not get any higher due to the fact that all stars in the area are unscoopable, and I have only a 16t fuel tank.
Well, it looks like YE-A E7 (2791) is the highest I can get with this ship build (36.6ly).

Tried also Syroomaei -B D13-11 (2768). Then a basic boost to Syroomaei MS-U F2-12 (2762) No further.

Although premium would have allowed me to jump higher I don't have enough to do the back/forth journey.

Nice view up here!
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I'm at about 1980 Y, and have a plot to 2791 (Quemeou YE-A E7). Anyone got any higher? (with no FSD boosts).

Back home. Yep, I visited the exact same system!
QUEMEOU YE-A E7, dd. 27 June 3301:

Found one a little higher up still, QUEMIE DA-A F11 at Y2802, dd. 7 July 3301:

Where I met up with Cmdr. Zefod to admire the galactic disc below us, dd. 12 July 3301:

He was likely the first to return the data, I forgot to check.
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Well done. I've started the decent, but has to finish (work heh!). I was mighty careful to make sure I watched the fuel and scoopable stars. Did not want to be stranded up there.

SagA* tomorrow
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