Reverse the automatically injury of animals.

With the last patch the fighting/packsystem was overworked.

That was not the only thing that changed about fights.
Not only are they happening more often, you also took the option for the player away to prevent
injuries by making animals injured the second the fight alert starts.

I have tested this several times now.

I am not playing this game to throw animals in pitfights.


I just tested it on a zoo where i breed 3 habitats with bengal tigers.

As soon as the little ones get adult the game give you the overcrowed-fight-warning and one animals get
autmatically injured. I had that half a dozen times now and this time i was able to screenshot it.

I had all animals in sight here.
I was there for 2 minutes, then the adult-switch happened.
I got the warning and in the same second you see the highlighted Tiger starts to move/attack.
It was instant-injured even before it moved, without any interaction to another animal.

This is as lazy as it is stupid and sad.

That was not how it worked before.

I would prefer if the game would be changed for the better, not for the worse.

Not only are fight happening more often since the last so called "up"date,
you have no chance anymore to prevent injured animals.

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Another one.
I marked all 4 animals in there.
Three was sleeping one took a shyt, and in the second the both little ones got adult, their father
got the injury.
What a crap idea, i wish i could reverse to the last patch.


Also, there is no 1-4 birth rate per mate anymore for bengal tigers.
I have 4 couples now that gave 15 times birth and each litter was exactly 2.
(that was 15 injuries btw i couldn't avoid)
Whatever was done there with the numbers, it was without any sense and purpose.
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Even when i BOX the fking parents BEFORE the cups get mature, one of the parents gets an injury while
The cups get transparent when they turn to the adult model and the game rolls a dice which of your adult animals get auto-injured.
If this dismal gamedesign would have been around from the start, i wouldn't have spend so much time with Planet Zoo.

I am out of this bullcrap.
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Ah, so that's what happened. I wondered why my Bengal tiger parents were getting auto-injured yesterday the second their cubs grew up.
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