Role Play - Commander's Log

Role Play - Commander's Log

First off, thank you to Frontier Developments for making an amazing experience! And congratulations to all you players for receiving the mantle of Commander in Elite Dangerous!

This thread is to provide a Role Play gaming thread to help you maximize your game playing experience within Elite Dangerous. The goals are, while “in-character”:
  • To immerge yourself into a self-created character of your choosing
  • To write into this thread your encounters/experiences in space as the commander of your vessel
  • To dialogue with other role-playing commanders on this thread to mutually add to each other’s role play experience

To achieve this, here are the simple rules.
1. Create your “in-character” profile:
Update your Frontier forum profile to have at least the following details about your role play character. Please see my forum profile (Ickerus Vast) as an example.
Originating Star System:

Feel free to add more details! This in-character profile allows other commanders to quickly research you without having to read hundreds of posts.

2. Post your entry:
While “in-character” post 15 lines or less of your recent encounters, plans, questions, etc. Treat this thread as a “galactic journal” that you are posting for other commanders to read and/or respond to. BE CREATIVE! (Please do not post anything that may be interpreted as offensive to other commanders, or may harm the reputation the Frontier Developments). The goal here is to have a “positive role-playing experience”. A fellow commander will read what you have posted and may in turn include your experiences into their role play story-arcs (and vice-versa). If you have more than 15 lines of journey entry, then submit another separate post. We want to keep the journal posts short for easy reading.
Please start each journal post/entry with
-CMDR: <specify your in-character name>
-Location: <specify the star system you currently are in>
-PlayO (for Open), G (for Group), or S (for Solo), [This allows other commanders to locate you in-game for added role playing experience.]​

3. Stay “in-character”:
If you need to state something out-of-character, please preference the statement/question with “[ooc]” so that the other commanders will know.

This thread can ultimately serve as the interwoven storyboard of adventures that you contribute to and benefit from to increase your experience in the Elite Dangerous game. If you have questions about this thread or the rules, please message me directly. We want to keep all posts here true-to-form and “in-character”.
--Ickerus Vast
CMDR: Ickerus Vast
System: Asellus Primus
Play: S

(Recorded on 04-JULY) Light years away, a nation on a small blue orb in the Sol system is celebrating its independence today. Interestingly enough, the only fireworks I will see are the plasma explosions I attempt to evade amid laser fire. Out of curiosity, I signed up to assist in a campaign in Asellus Primus. My ship is not designed for combat per se, but its speed and my piloting allow me to see the numerous days. My intentions here were to gather intel about this system and to collect some side credits to upgrade my ship. I am not sure that this venture is worth it. There was a promise of 700k credits, but no details on how many combat missions need to be commanded. I will spend 1 more solar day on this venture, then I will re-direct my efforts.
CMDR: Ickerus Vast
System: Asellus Primus
Play: S

I HATE THIS PLACE! Beagle 2 Landing just released me and my crew from its holding cells. 10 days ago, these morons individually arrested each of us for multiple counts of "1. Larceny. 2. Assault. 3. Public indecency." I mean, we were just enjoying this place! It's not my fault that people expect my droid to not have "sticky fingers" (or robot parts that take things without asking), or that S.K.y will shoot a guy when she's angry (Remember, she even shot me! Reference my video logs: ). And me, well, after a few pints of Chaos Brew, everything looks like a toilet... What a bunch of snobs! Thankfully, my ship engineer tracked us down and posted our bails: A whopping 300,000 credits! To top it off, they are keeping my owed payment of 800,000 credits, our personal effects & firearms, and we were told that the station will open fire upon our ship if we returned! All of that IS important. But more importantly -- they have my favorite gun. Now I am mad!

Before we launched from the station in the view of armed guard, S.K.y managed to stealthily stay behind on the station. Her mission: To re-claim our personal effects & firearms from the heavily guarded weapons lockup. Once she has our effects, she will jettison herself inside a canister or capsule from the station (a little trick we learned in our recent travels). Amid class 4 cannon and laser fire, I will swing back by the exterior of the station to "cargo scoop her up"! This daring & exciting entry and escape could only be imagined by OutRim Reapers (we are crazy enuff to try it)! If I am lucky, she will even score "a little extra" as a payment of our "gross inconvenience" on the part of Beagle 2 Landing.

I will let you know how it ends. I hate this place... although the prison food was quite excellent!
CMDR: Ickerus Vast
System: Asellus Primus
Play: S

Hull integrity... 2%
Shields.......... Offline
Weapons.......... Offline
Engines.......... Operational
Favorite Gun..... OWNED!

She did it! ...we did it! It took 5 days of waiting on the gravitational pull of the nearest planet, so as to not be detecting by the Beagle 2 Landing's long range scanners. But on today, Robot (my droid) detected her faint signal beacon as she jettisoned herself inside an Animal Meat Canister. [Note to self: Robot is not completely inept -- he has some good points.] As I closed in on her signal, I could not believe how all, and I mean ALL, of the station's defensive systems came alive with sights on me. Anyone entering or exiting the station would have thought that my lone vessel represented "all that was wrong in the galaxy". And yes, some of those ships (nit-wits!) decided "Oh! I guess we should shoot at Ickerus Vast too!" [Note to all: Honestly, I can't believe that today's ship traders will literally sell a ship to "anyone"! "Bad credit? No problem! No credit? No problem! No ability to make good decisions? No problem!". Agghhh!

But most of all, it was Beagle 2 Landing's sole self-righteous right to wipe me from the void. Bad News: My ship is in bad shape. Good News: But we have all our personal effects! And as added BONUS, S.K.y managed to transfer 10,000,000 credits from the Beagle 2 Landing community fund to our personal accounts. SWEET! When S.K.y is mad, she is absolutely deadly! As soon as my ship engineer can get the galaxy navigation map working again, I am going to find a "reputable" space port (one that does not mis-interpret "appreciation" as law-breaking) and upgrade my ship!

See-ya later Beagle! With this amount of creds, it looks like "class A" upgrades all around!
CMDR: Sven Dazer
System: Colonia
Play: O

Oh geez, i'm so drunk. These people at Jaques Station surely know their way to deal with the void. Especially Ben Havok who owns a surprisingly clean bar at the shipyard. For those who do not know, Jaques shipyard is a dirty and crowded place full of criminal energy. But anyway Ben was nice as he showed me around. I was hoping he get me a job to be honest. Because the moment colonias star unfolded before me for the first time i realized that here 22.000ly from home the space madness won't really wear off. So i needed something to do. Luckily Ben could introduce me to CMDR Sully who is leading a deep space mining operation in the nearby systems. She was willing to hire me as long as i would have a capable mining ship. Fortunate for her as she was the one and only Lakon saleswoman at the yard as well, she could sell me a "almost new" Type-7. Now that i think about. My head hurts...
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