Role Playing - The Pilots Federation Elite War Room

A neutralish zone where the politics of the struggling factions such as the alliance, empire and federation are left at the door and open discussion, planning and such is held by the most powerful faction, the members of the Pilots Federation, the players.

One small request, stay in character at all times.

Please say hello and sign the guest book, if you'd like to leave a message for other Commanders.

Welcome to the Pilots Federation Elite War Room.

---- News Flash ---

BD-02 4304 needs medical aid and our support.

Pilots please ship Waters of Shintara to Newton Dock if you're not too busy
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Hi Chaps,

How do you do? I'm Ben Ryder, Independent Trader at your service.

Item one - Making New Friends and Going Places.

I propose if you, if I may be so bold, continued expansion from the Founders world. We have a foot hold in LFT 926 and Pilots Federation Missions are available on the Bulletin Board.

Item two - Tea. How do you take it?
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Hello here,

I'm Taylor Vauban, I have answered a call from the deep void one month ago. Struggling to keep my sanity in the lonesome space, but glad I have left mankind's power hungry and corrupted side behind me…
… for now.

Oh, and black, no sugar please… coffee, that is.
Woof, Arry here.

Being a dog, which is a pack animal, I lean towards the Empire's way of life.

Right now, I'm just sniffing about, finding places to raise my leg and make my mark.

Mine is in a bowl, with a little nip of rum, in the evenings.

So what is this place all about then. Being called 'The war room'? Makes one ask this.

Hello here,

I'm Taylor Vauban, I have answered a call from the deep void one month ago. Struggling to keep my sanity in the lonesome space, but glad I have left mankind's power hungry and corrupted side behind me…
… for now.

Oh, and black, no sugar please… coffee, that is.

Woof, Arry here.

Being a dog, which is a pack animal, I lean towards the Empire's way of life.

Right now, I'm just sniffing about, finding places to raise my leg and make my mark.

Mine is in a bowl, with a little nip of rum, in the evenings.

So what is this place all about then. Being called 'The war room'? Makes one ask this.


Morning Chaps,

Kettles on and bowl being filled with crunchy snacks.

I figured as ever struggling faction is getting all geared up for fisty cuffs, that the pilots federation could do with a place to put it's head together and make sure it's ready for the storms ahead. The Pilots Federation needs some living room, the founders system is rather cramped and the Pilots Federation has the greatest combined military force. That force is often used by the struggling factions where it could be put to better use, gaining some breathing space. The folk of LFT 926 on the borders of the founders system have welcomed our presence with flags, cheery smiles and dog biscuits. It's perhaps time we moved in and helped them clear out some of their unsavory types and spread out a little.

I'll be passing that way sometime soon and will return with some intel.

Secondly, the Federation has been seen looking over back garden the wall at the Founders World and is offering disruptive missions on the Bulletin Board. Should we be comfortable with the Federation having such a strong say in the running of the Founders System? I say no thank you. The need to go back and not encroach of the one system that truly belongs to every member of the Pilots Federation.

Morning Chaps,

Kettles on and bowl being filled with crunchy snacks.

I figured as ever struggling faction is getting all geared up for fisty cuffs, that the pilots federation could do with a place to put it's head together and make sure it's ready for the storms ahead. The Pilots Federation needs some living room, the founders system is rather cramped and the Pilots Federation has the greatest combined military force. That force is often used by the struggling factions where it could be put to better use, gaining some breathing space. The folk of LFT 926 on the borders of the founders system have welcomed our presence with flags, cheery smiles and dog biscuits. It's perhaps time we moved in and helped them clear out some of their unsavory types and spread out a little.

I'll be passing that way sometime soon and will return with some intel.

Secondly, the Federation has been seen looking over back garden the wall at the Founders World and is offering disruptive missions on the Bulletin Board. Should we be comfortable with the Federation having such a strong say in the running of the Founders System? I say no thank you. The need to go back and not encroach of the one system that truly belongs to every member of the Pilots Federation.


Only if it is soaked in rum?

Hi, and I am Hell Razor5543 (Razor, to my friends). While I am a Post Commander in the Federation scheme of things, that was to allow me access to the Federal Dropship (and future Federal ships). I do not, however, agree with the Federation eyeing up Founders World. If they irritate the Pilots Federation where are they going to find willing pilots? I am mainly a trader, occasional RES farmer, and sometime explorer. I help new players (by winging up so they can earn trade vouchers).

I prefer Earl Grey tea, brewed for a couple of minutes, with milk and 2 sugars (I know people say that isn't how you drink Earl Grey tea, but that is the way I prefer it). Shall I get some biscuits in, and (if yes) what are your preferences?
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Hello Hell Razor and welcome to this informal War Party,

Chocolate please.

Some of your explorer friends have been dropping their data at the Founders World to make sure our influence stays intact.

Just popping out to get some milk and info on the situation. I'll leave you chaps to get acquainted.
Hiya Commander Shar de Nara here. Slave trader, explorer, killer and complete bit.... i spend my time in imperial space looking for trouble and profit. my ultimate goal is to see the federation in flames.

Can i have a bit of rum in my tea please. oh yes and its very nice to meet you all.

Long live the Empire.
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Did someone say 'biscuits'?

How do you command posts? The ones I have seen and I have seen a lot, don't do anything, they just stand there, waiting to be marked?

Yes, and I am heading off to get a couple of tonnes of Chocolate Bourbons, Milk Chocolate Digestives, and some Rich Tea Biscuits, followed by a visit to my local distillery for a couple of barrels of Lambs Navy Rum, Talisker Whisky, and some Latvian Brandy. Sorry but I cannot find the recipe for Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters, but I do know of a decent catch-up drink (for when you have arrived late at a party and everybody else is nicely merry). Take a pint glass, add 2 to 4 shots (depends on how much catching up is needed) of the darkest, thickest rum you can find (the stuff you need a crowbar for to get it out of the jar), and top off with a good dry cider. If you have judged it right, within 10 minutes you will be just as merry as the others. Get it wrong and you can seriously overshoot (and wonder where the last 3 days went. Then you find out!).
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Hiya Commander Shar de Nara here. Slave trader, explorer, killer and complete bit.... i spend my time in imperial space looking for trouble and profit. my ultimate goal is to see the federation in flames.

Can i have a bit of rum in my tea please. oh yes and its very nice to meet you all.

Long live the Empire.

Why do I have the sudden need to roll over and be stupid?


- - - Updated - - -

Yes, and I am heading off to get a couple of tonnes of Chocolate Bourbons, Milk Chocolate Digestives, and some Rich Tea Biscuits, followed by a visit to my local distillery for a couple of barrels of Navy Rum, Talisker Whiskey, and some Latvian Brandy. Sorry but I cannot find the recipe for Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters, but I do know of a decent catch-up drink (for when you have arrived late at a party and everybody else is nicely merry). Take a pint glass, add 2 to 4 shots (depends on how much catching up is needed) of the darkest, thickest rum you can find (the stuff you need a crowbar for to get it out of the jar), and top off with a good dry cider. If you have judged it right, within 10 minutes you will be just as merry as the others. Get it wrong and you can seriously overshoot (and wonder where the last 3 days went. Then you find out!).

......and don't forget the hangover?

Hiya Commander Shar de Nara here. Slave trader, explorer, killer and complete bit.... i spend my time in imperial space looking for trouble and profit. my ultimate goal is to see the federation in flames.

Can i have a bit of rum in my tea please. oh yes and its very nice to meet you all.

Long live the Empire.

Hello Gorgeous, you look lovely. Rum and Crumpet?

I must say I like the cut of your jib. Perhaps you could form a wind with some of your Imperial Chums and head to Skeggiko and LFT 926 to put your self about among the workers and let them know whats what.

Which brings me to item one and a propositions. Commander wings, team-up on sight and escort non Pilots Federation or Darkwheel ships out of the systems... :)

Item Three - Mascot... I mean Public Relations officer. I propose Arry, any seconds? More tea?

Oh here's the latest intel.

Founders system

LFT 926

Conflict Zones. There are conflict zones in LFT 926. LFT 926 Interstellar needs to lose.
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Greetings, fellow captains.

I am Lord Jason Pegasi, of the Imperial House Pegasi of Cemiess.

But honestly, I get tired of Imperial politics. A lot. Especially right now, even as I have thrown my support behind an heir already, as well as the support of my House. It is easy to have a bleak view of things at the moment, so I welcome a place to talk that is a departure from bothersome political bantering.

I am a veteran combat pilot, but I am still young, and as such the Pilots Federation merely ranks me as "Competent" as I have yet to have the time to prove myself as a true Elite. Mostly I dedicate my efforts into trying to be a leader when I can. Whether that is coordinating strike runs, leading my household estate, or being active on the political stage, usually for humanist causes.

As far as tea...

Earl Grey. Hot.

As this appears to be almost a faction promoting the Pilots Federation, not sure how much I can help there. I am already a dedicated member of Aisling's Angels, so I suppose I could only help if there is no conflict with them, and I could not be dedicating that time towards helping the Angels.

So, basically, don't expect much, but I might pop my head in once or twice to see what's happening.
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Greetings, Lord Jason Pegasi, of the Imperial House Pegasi of Cemiess. It's an honour.

Well their certainly is a lot going on within the Empire. It's a bit of a mess. I have it on good account that it will all be over by Christmas. So no need to banter about politics and all that.

Put your feet up.

We could do with more like you. I'm sure after a bit of action at LFT 926, taking on LFT 926 Interstellar in the conflict zone, you'll be well on your way to Elite. One way to prove your self would be to lead a wing against them or come back with tales of an epic solo combat mission in their conflict zone.

Earl Grey. Hot. Here you are.


Volunteer Moderator
Hello Commanders.

Commander Dayrth here. I was brought up, lived and worked in the Federation all my life. Truly believing that the Federation were the only power to offer a free, just and democratic way of life. Having scrimped and saved for 30 odd years I finally managed to get my Commanders License and a shiny new Sidewinder and off I went to see earth, (for the first time), and explore the galaxy.

What I saw shattered my illusions. The greed and corruption. The cruelty and worse, the indifference to poverty and suffering.

I had always thought the Empire to be evil, but now I was determined to throw off my conditioning and look at everything anew with open eyes. So I did and, yep they are still evil :(

I am in my 50s now, but have dedicated what remains of my life to the service of the Alliance. The poor cousin of the great powers. New, week and disorganised, but honest, fair and above all free.

None of this would have happened without the Pilots federation though, so I shall do anything I can to assist them.

Ceylon please. Just a spot of milk :)
I had always thought the Empire to be evil, but now I was determined to throw off my conditioning and look at everything anew with open eyes. So I did and, yep they are still evil :(

You got my hopes up, and then you crushed them.

I don't like that.

You should give Imperial Humanism a look. It's what drew me in.

Also, my family's heritage. That drew me in too.
You got my hopes up, and then you crushed them.

I don't like that.

You should give Imperial Humanism a look. It's what drew me in.

Also, my family's heritage. That drew me in too.

Hello Commanders.

Commander Dayrth here. I was brought up, lived and worked in the Federation all my life. Truly believing that the Federation were the only power to offer a free, just and democratic way of life. Having scrimped and saved for 30 odd years I finally managed to get my Commanders License and a shiny new Sidewinder and off I went to see earth, (for the first time), and explore the galaxy.

What I saw shattered my illusions. The greed and corruption. The cruelty and worse, the indifference to poverty and suffering.

I had always thought the Empire to be evil, but now I was determined to throw off my conditioning and look at everything anew with open eyes. So I did and, yep they are still evil :(

I am in my 50s now, but have dedicated what remains of my life to the service of the Alliance. The poor cousin of the great powers. New, week and disorganised, but honest, fair and above all free.

None of this would have happened without the Pilots federation though, so I shall do anything I can to assist them.

Ceylon please. Just a spot of milk :)

Looks like we have a lot on common just from different sides of the Frame. Perhaps a little team building expertise or a game of Jones if your the gaming types.

I've just got back from a but of a humanitarian task myself, delivering 'machine parts and clothes' to some unfortunate souls to help protect them from the elements. I'll be heading back toward the founders world. Last time I popped in I saw that the polls show the pilots federation is gaining ground with a 70 % majority. Perhaps we could windup and do a little tour of the founders and lft 926 if we're in the area?

A spot of milk. Of course. As you like it.


Volunteer Moderator
You got my hopes up, and then you crushed them.

I don't like that.

You should give Imperial Humanism a look. It's what drew me in.

Also, my family's heritage. That drew me in too.

It is the Empire I don't like, not the people in it. I did not mean to cause offence and apologies for doing so. You are clearly an honorable person and I would be happy to work with you on this worthy endeavor.

(Any chance of another cuppa Ben? That was delicious :))
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