Horizons Rover Suspension Issues

Does anyone know of any way to make the rover less bouncy? I'd like to be able to do planetside missions and explore without getting motion sickness. A smoother ride would be nice! Are there any settings I could tweak? I like the opportunities Horizons offers, but I can barely last 5 minutes planetside before getting nauseous.


Volunteer Moderator
I'd also add spend more time boosting through the air :D

The amount of difference it make just (I say just) driving around on a 0.4g planet compared to a 0.05g planet is very noticeable.
We need to have fine tuning control for spring rates, high and low speed compression and rebound damping, not to mention toe in, individual brake percentage controls, camber....

And I'd like all this Soon™.
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We need to have fine tuning control for spring rates, high and low speed compression and rebound damping, not to mention toe in, individual brake percentage controls, camber....

And I'd like all this Soon™.

Hehe, maybe Frontier could band together with Turn 10 and get us some Elite: Forza =D
I find it bad as well, for SRVs with such large suspension arms on them I would have thought it would be much smoother. Yeah sure going slower helps but I have already got into the habit of minimising my time in the SRV otherwise I feel fatigued. It gives me motion sickness too after a while and especially on rougher terrain. Going slower doesnt help a great deal unless you are going below 5m/s which is painful in itself. If you were actually going over that in real life your eyes would adjust to the bumps to a degree to smooth it out but that isnt factored into the game. It is more like a camera attached to the chassis feeling every small bump. Same as you would see in a cam attached in your car for example. Would seem like a smoother ride in person but if you watched the video it would be bumpy as hell.

I really do not find the SRV enjoyable at all to be honest. Drive model is a bit average IMO.
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