San Tu - ok who ruined my fun?

flip it back

Though to be honest, it's fdev you have to blame. The latest massacre mission and bounty hunting changes put a lot of pressure on basically every anarchy faction that is close enough to another system to generate those missions. It was already unbalanced, but now massacres are an activity actually worth doing it's hit the tipping point.
i guess it was fun while it lasted, made allot of credits from it. just a shame i had to move 36 ships
wasn't San Tu an unofficial official PvP System because it was Anarchy?
pretty much, yes. There have been attempts to flip it before, one group even had a player faction added - an alliance one when none of the other factions in the systems are alliance, which goes against FDev's rules on pmf submissions (you're not allowed to insert a faction that would flip the system from one superpower to another) but hey.

It hasn't been the first time someone's gone out of their way to mess with the pvpers and I'm sure it won't be the last.
flip it back

Though to be honest, it's fdev you have to blame. The latest massacre mission and bounty hunting changes put a lot of pressure on basically every anarchy faction that is close enough to another system to generate those missions. It was already unbalanced, but now massacres are an activity actually worth doing it's hit the tipping point.

It made a difference, San Tu didn't fall to ambient traffic though.

I was part of the small team that flipped it back to lawless last year. Essentially a single player (not me, although I helped them occasionally) worked from November '19 to around mid-February '20, starting the war that gained Frimout outpost & fighting that war helped kick up more support as the possibility of getting an IF in the system helped the PvP Hub leaders motivate people. I just wanted Sol Solo Unite out of control, it was on my list of systems to flip because of the way the PMF addition was used to attack the system (imo). Different sections of the community with different motivations, working together for a common goal, fun ;) I flipped a few other systems in the San Tu Powerplay bubble to make sure the fortification bonus would apply & Mahon powerplayers wouldn't feel the need to flip it to a corp (it was patronage before, Anarchy was no worse in Mahon space).

As far as I'm concerned any PvP combat that happens in San Tu is time those players are not spending in Deciat & other places, no innocent bystanders in San Tu. Not everyone sees it that way of course :) I also see a place for learning self-defence as rather more useful to the wider community than the easier path of playing in private group & avoiding 'the problem'.

It was a fun project to be involved in, and a more challenging system to flip & maintain than most I have been involved in.

With the addition of Fleet Carriers the convenience of lawless space to train & practice PvP in is reduced but as a system San Tu still has a lot going for it.

Congratulations to all on both sides, nice bit of emergent content ;)
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I'm sad. I helped the guys in San Tu flip the system to anarchy in the first place.

There needs to be more anarchy systems in general. They are good for PvE piracy, one of the more involved gameplay mechanics there is in the game and combines a number of skills.
yeah there were some good chances of getting diamonds from the miners.
Unfortunately with the recent balance and other changes Anarchies are hard to almost impossible to defend against attacks. They already had less bgs levers to pull as any other government type, now it just went more loop sided to the point to why bother with it at all. Then take on top the misguided goody-good shoes and more and more Anarchies will disappear. The galaxy will be a more boring place with every lost Anarchy system. Btw the notion that people flip systems to Anarchy for ganking is the most bonkers thing I ever heard. Why put all the work in (and it's lots of work) if you can just go to any other system full with cmdrs and shoot everyone there?

Now the question is what do the Anarchist who played the bgs do? Flipping your old system back is almost impossible with the way things are going(1). Some will leave the bgs and use their new found free time for more PvP practice with willing and/or unwilling opponents. Others will form or formed already shadow armies(2) to retaliate against the oppressors or just to cause mayhem. Most players who support Anarchies have different bgs skill sets and knowledge compared to people supporting the "easier" government types due to the nature of the beast. Which means if they band together they are a force not many can stop.
San Tu being Anarchy was a nice thing but with carriers it's not really needed anymore. So it's just another hollow victory to add to all the previous ones.

(1) It's possible to retake the system with enough people and a good strategy, but keeping it Anarchy will be a grindfest that nobody in their right mind will do forever. FDev needs to fix the things they broke and give Anarchies a few extra levers to level the playing field.
(2) Shadow army: a group of individuals who work together on a common goal without public announcements and/or taking credits for their actions, aka working in the shadows. This can be done on any mode/platform or combinations of it.
Now the question is what do the Anarchist who played the bgs do?

(2) Shadow army: a group of individuals who work together on a common goal without public announcements and/or taking credits for their actions, aka working in the shadows. This can be done on any mode/platform or combinations of it.

Traditional Piracy is dead now. The future is in the Corporate Board rooms of Fleet Carriers. You know what I mean. The opportunities for BGS shenanigans are limitless when YOU are the Anarchy government. I've gone Corporate and would be happy to offer you a job if you ever decided to stay in the Bubble.

Careful with the term Shadow Army these days! There's a bunch of motivated Communists getting everyone fired up about that sort of thing right now. 1000 systems aren't enough you see.

Anarchy is dead. Long live the Anarchists.
i dont wanna hate, but i really dislike the ones that flipped San Tu. CURSE YOU. now i have to find a new anarchy system to live in.

Probly it was victims who where ganked too many times... preety sure they done it from solo/private. Those usually even cant tell diffrence between ganker and PvP'er.

As far as I'm concerned any PvP combat that happens in San Tu is time those players are not spending in Deciat & other places, no innocent bystanders in San Tu.

San Tu was dead anyway for a while, almost everyone is at deciat right now. But compared to deciat, not as many "innocent bystanders" indeed.

Even then, those who look for arranged duel at San Tu should not really care whenever its anarchy or not, crimes off says hi there.
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