There are satellites in the game, a lots of them. Also the Voyager II is in the game.
There are satellites in the game, a lots of them. Also the Voyager II is in the game.
It's 3303 - you mean V'Ger? I think I'll avoid that!
wonder if apollo 11 landing site is on the moon???
You need a permit to go to the Sol system. I don't know about the moon landing site, but that would be a must visit. Not even sure how or what is needed for the permit.
and the moon needs an currently unobtainable permit to land, additionally to the sol permit (which is rather easy to get).
voyagers are still on my to do list... after more than 2 years
and the moon needs an currently unobtainable permit to land, additionally to the sol permit (which is rather easy to get).
voyagers are still on my to do list... after more than 2 years
wonder if apollo 11 landing site is on the moon???