Horizons Say wut? You want me to land where?

Sometimes I have to wonder if the FD backroom boys are crazy or just have a well developed sense of humor.

Empire Rank Up Mission: Courier mission to Planet X. Ok, no problem. Jump into the GalMap, plot, and open up the system information panel. Planet X is 17.95G. Sorry, that ain't happening with 68 million credits to rebuy my ride.

Federation hauling mission to Planet XY: Five units of water. No problem! Load me up. On the way get an incoming enemy alert. About 100 ls from Planet XYZ the pirate calls me: "I'm surprised you got this far with that big haul". Really?
Then the poor NPC said "This will be over quick. I do this for a living". Well buddy, if you jack 5 units of water for a living you might consider exploration, or Rez Sites, or looking for wine contracts.

Not complaining. In fact both made me laugh out loud, but a little relevance to mission orders might be something to consider. Hell I felt so sorry for the professional water hijacker I almost pulled over and gave it to him.

Fly safe!
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Darn, I was wrong, it is only 17.07 g
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