Sc.Cm, relay only

From: Vassily Alexandros
To: Druidbane
Re: The 16 Figure Lock

"The chattering of beasts in the wild is scarcely heard by the wise, and not often heeded, but the call of the smallest creature, singly, in a wilderness of silence, will move even a heart of stone."

Beware, Sons of Midas
I can cure the roids!!
We have mutliple specialists in this field. Please send over your case reports and then it will be determined if the value of your potential service does indeed warrant some arrangement as to a special dispensation in regards to the curing of the roids!!.

With our warm regards, consider this response active, timely, and pertinent to any further communications or inquires that may arise of your own accord and be directed toward ourselves, unless it be that you require further clarification in the specifics here outlined.
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