Sight seeing in the bubble

I've never done any sightseeing in the bubble. While waiting for Odyseey to drop before heading back out into the black, I'd like to do so.

Drop some of your must-see systems that reside in the bubble!
Hmmm. That's actually a really good question. One thing that always comes to mind is Mitterand Hollow, in Epsilon Indi. The moon as an impossibly quick orbit, with a period of only about 90 seconds. It's landable, so you can park there and watch the planet whip around you, from your perspective. You probably know about this one, but it's always worth mentioning for anyone reading along.

You can also try landing at Skardee 1, which orbits inside its star's scooping zone. It's one of the hottest places you can visit, and the star fills up the sky if you land on the day side.
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