Is there a rough guide to how much extra the dss pays?
And is there a guide as to what not to bother scanning? I spent the first couple of weeks scanning absolutely everything except asteroids. It takes forever.
Later i learned to check if the system was discovered or not first. Still tend to scan everything in undiscovered systems but i wonder if rocky and icy bodies are really worth the time.
If you want to make money from exploration you should focus only on the objects that are worth scanning. My list:
Earth-like planets - these are the most profitable objects out there but also very rare
Water worlds (TC) - almost as profitable as ELWs
Water worlds - more common than WW (TC) but bring less money
Ammonia worlds - good money but almost as rare as ELWs
High metal content (TC) - good money but is very difficult to distinguish them from normal HMCs
HMC - very common, can bring 5-10k profit
Rocky (TC) - seem to be rare
Gas giant with water based/ammonia based life - relatively common
Water giants - rare - same profit as above
Class II Gas giant
All the rest is not worth scanning, IMO
Edit: forgot to mention Metal Rich planets