
So a few weeks ago I got my setting into a sweet spot, but for some reason everything got a big jaggy the next time I played. I tried to reinstall the game but it didn't help. I noticed now that SMAA does nothing if I turn it on and off. I though this might be the culprit. In VR is SMAA (and all the other AA options in that category) supposed to do anything, I'm finding it makes no difference on whether it off or on?

Vive or Rift? SMAA should make a difference (in the Rift anyway, so don't see why the Vive would be any different). I find it makes the most noticeable difference to text so try changing it when in the hanger either looking at the starport services menu or the cockpit UI.

Wait, you are referring to the in-game setting, right? If you are referring to the nvidia or AMD control panels then they won't make any difference.
Vive or Rift? SMAA should make a difference (in the Rift anyway, so don't see why the Vive would be any different). I find it makes the most noticeable difference to text so try changing it when in the hanger either looking at the starport services menu or the cockpit UI.

Wait, you are referring to the in-game setting, right? If you are referring to the nvidia or AMD control panels then they won't make any difference.

Hi, Sorry should have said Rift, with in game settings, its weird its not really doing anything anymore, and use to.
If you check the Frontier chosen defaults, I think it's

- VR Low - AA off
- VR Med - AA off
- VR High - AA off
- VR Ultra - AA on

Which says to me AA does very little in VR, and it might not be worth turning on unless you want to go max.
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If you check the Frontier chosen defaults, I think it's

- VR Low - AA off
- VR Med - AA off
- VR High - AA off
- VR Ultra - AA on

Which says to me AA does very little in VR, and it might not be worth turning on unless you want to go max.

I concur. Leave AA off in VR. I wouldn't put too much in SS either. Put what you have in HMD Quality. :)
I concur. Leave AA off in VR. I wouldn't put too much in SS either. Put what you have in HMD Quality. :)

So, I've managed to clean up the image, by fiddling with a few settings, running on VR ultra, and having the HMD quality at 1.5. Seems work quite well using AS@45FPS. It looks good now.

It is weird how AA do something and now it doesn't. Looking forward to getting a 1080ti, Should be able to push HMD quality even higher.
I'm finding it makes no difference on whether it off or on?
Sit on an interior station pad after landing and look at the tower with SMAA off. Look at the edges of the tower in particularly.

Then change to SMAA on, leaving all else the same, you will see a difference.
It's subtle in most of the game. I really only notice SMAA during normal play is the mailbox slot. The bright white/blue rectangle and the "antenna" appendages get really jaggy with SMAA off.
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