Horizons Small graphical bug.

Are you others experiencing this planet texture bug. When I am approaching landable grey moon it's looking nice and dark when I am far way. Suddenly when I am closing in much brighter texture swaps in which seems to be the orbit flight texture. Transition is annoying cause the difference in light is huge.

And station texture seems to pop and dance also.
The planet brightness you are mentioning is by design, it is to simulate how when you are standing in a dark room - anything outside looks super bright when you step out until your eyes adjust etc.

FD are aware it is currently a little excessive and have something in the works...


Matt inson said:
Mentioned in other threads but we're aware of this, it's not the final feature we'll be addressing it and balancing things better as we go forward :) There's a reason we did this but it's not the final effect we want. The dark side should brighten as you approach to simulate HDR as people have mentioned however we this isn't the end result.
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