So far so good

After yesterday and into the early hours all has come good and Im sitting by a pretty ELW with all services Ive chosen on and am hauling Tritium right now used about 65T on a 200ly jump tp arrive from the selling station

The station Im buying Tritium from has about 20 FC,s outside and this noticably increases dropping from SC times but apart from that and update messages im pleased

Transfered almost all my ships and stored modules so that works
Now lost all images just sound ive been enjoying no station chatter but its really the black now

I also visited 3 engineers today in open not a perp in view I was rather hoping for a challenge in Steely
Thinking about it, it’s happened to me before, about a year or so ago.

I was jumping into a system and as I arrived at the main star the screen went blank. But I could hear my ship in an endless exit hyperspace sound loop. I waited but it didn’t come back, so did exactly what you say and forced it into shutdown via PS button.

I think it caused a blue screen error when I did that.

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Time for a bit of an update:

Ive settled in with Nuisance wonderfully although the ship-carrier goods transfer system is still akin to witchcraft , I still get the black screen occasionally .

Since the War Ive been tending my systems and learning what works ,meeting new folk on this platform and am almost allways in Open nowadays but definatly in Combat Zones, not that Ive yet met an enemy Cmmdr yet but oneday perhaps. I have met some to hang out with time by time although what with my daily rounds time is sometimes short to do all that I wish ,in a good way.

Today I visited Shinrata for the first time, as i wanted to buy a second Cutter and every combination of mining equipement Im allowed, popped over in my Cobra saw a couple of Commders but no coms. After I had upgraded all the internals and engineered the FSD ,Thrusters etc I flew her home and transfered my Cobra then later decided to go back and buy a T10 as a Module and Weapon store for things Ive not tried and then flew her back to.

Always open to cooperation with independent Cmmdrs for some pew pew in the defence of small factions that find themselves under pressure do get in touch .

o7 Death to Tyrants ;)
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