Horizons So I don't want to fart around with scavenging...

And we have this Engineers update, and the upgrades required sifting dirt on countless words for countless hours trying to find random minerals and elements and untold quantities of whatever some snarky technogeek wants to pull a slot machine lever and crank out parts for me.

What do I do?

I spent several hours on Sunday farting around in an SRV and the collection rate for "useful" stuff was so needlessly slow I can seriously visualize it taking weeks to collect the stuff needed to get even one upgrade that is worthwhile. That's madness, right?

Or am I mad?

Because frankly for me, who only has an hour or two a night to play (if that), it might take six months of boredom.

There's got to be a better, faster way, right?
Could have chosen a more descriptive Title - can you think of those who actually do use these threads to search and not whine please. What you are wanting here is a Store for all the Cargo you collect. Am I right? Search threads and you'll find requests already for this.
Rank up with Engineers using bounty vouchers or exploration data or whatever other rep-generating activity.
This'll allow you to get to rank 5 quickly without wasting materials. Then call the rock rats or join prospecting events, they'll help you hunt specific materials much more easily.

You do have to do the material hunting, at current there are no other options. But remember, you won't be doing it forever. Once the ship you want is in the config you want then you can fly it forever modded as long as you don't want to change the config.

I feel you I really do but currently this is the best advice I can give. My personal tactic (as someone who doesn't mind the SRV) is to just play the game until my materials and data are nearly full before binging at the Engineers, I'll spend a week gathering specific pieces but the majority I should gather from normal gameplay.

Edit: I believe mining also drops certain materials now?
Once the ship you want is in the config you want then you can fly it forever modded as long as you don't want to change the config.

gotta admit, this is the main thing that bugs me

I can (grudgingly) jump through the artificial hoops to trick out my ship in one configuration, but if I get a hankering to go do something else for a change, then I am back to square one, and god help me if I change my mind a few weeks later and want to go back to the original config - paradoxically, despite all the shinies, this update gives us less freedom than we had previously

The only current solution is buying multiple copies of the same ship for either different roles, or just for module storage (gets pricey on the size 7 and 8 modules), and I can't afford too many cutters...
Could have chosen a more descriptive Title - can you think of those who actually do use these threads to search and not whine please. What you are wanting here is a Store for all the Cargo you collect. Am I right? Search threads and you'll find requests already for this.

Nah, I'd rather make threads JUST for you. <3 Thanks dog, you've been sooooooo helpful. You rock.

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Rank up with Engineers using bounty vouchers or exploration data or whatever other rep-generating activity.
This'll allow you to get to rank 5 quickly without wasting materials. Then call the rock rats or join prospecting events, they'll help you hunt specific materials much more easily.

You do have to do the material hunting, at current there are no other options. But remember, you won't be doing it forever. Once the ship you want is in the config you want then you can fly it forever modded as long as you don't want to change the config.

I feel you I really do but currently this is the best advice I can give. My personal tactic (as someone who doesn't mind the SRV) is to just play the game until my materials and data are nearly full before binging at the Engineers, I'll spend a week gathering specific pieces but the majority I should gather from normal gameplay.

Edit: I believe mining also drops certain materials now?

Can you transfer mods between ships?
^ you can, buy selling them, switching ships, rebuying them before the 10min counter runs out, but if you disconnect from server you gonna have a bad time

though module storage is supposed to be coming soon; I'm super curious how they are going to end up implementing that..
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Search around the forums in say mining stuff. you can find places where the material is plentiful and cut down on the amount of searching
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