That other thread about Planet Coaster mods was locked solely on request of Gregor. Frontier had nothing to do with the decision to lock that thread.
So they say... But yet they still don't give us the ability to add custom models to the game. All we have are premade bill boards where we can add an image or a webm. It's really a shame the thread is locked because that just screams they want to keep it on the downlow. When I asked gregor in PM he told me had to do with EULA but didn't want to post about it on the forums and I dont wanna speak for him with leaves me in a pretty nasty situation because for me it feels people, especially paying customers, deserve to know. Thats why i've been hinting for some sort of statement but neither gregor or frontier wants to give it. Then I tried to forget about it and now I came back because I feel frustrated about where Planet Coaster is, or isn't going.
Cant expect me to just let it go.
That's why i'm losing my patience after all these years. I purchased Early Bird 2 years ago because of all the nice future promises about mod support for example on the early frontier youtube videos and I cant help to feel a little frustrated after all this time. I mean i've waited 2 years, supported this game on here, steam, other forums, everywhere on the internet and like I said i'm just losing patience and don't wanna say I feel lied to but I think frontier should be honest about this now.
The gameplay is pretty much nonexistant and how many years do we still have to asked about spline based fence tools?
If they just added mod support back then we would have had 50% of all suggestions by now. But no imagine if someone uploads a frontier created model somewhere that would bankrupt them. Because afterall, that's the gut feeling i'm getting with all of this.
Hope you understand