So, I tried out ED with a Vive

What an amazing experience. Really drives home the size and dimensions of things to a degree you just don't get on a screen. Also love the small thins like just looking around in the cockpit, all the nice little touches like the first aid box ...

A few things to improve though:

* I found the side panel displays to be too fickle. If don't keep my head perfectly still they constantly keep disappearing which made selecting navigation points a bit frustrating.
* Also, no matter how I changed graphic settings, Coriolis stations looked terrible. Especially form the outside and a little distance away they just looked like a mass of incoherent pixels.
What an amazing experience. Really drives home the size and dimensions of things to a degree you just don't get on a screen. Also love the small thins like just looking around in the cockpit, all the nice little touches like the first aid box ...

A few things to improve though:

* I found the side panel displays to be too fickle. If don't keep my head perfectly still they constantly keep disappearing which made selecting navigation points a bit frustrating.


that is a setting you can turn off, so that the menus only appear if you press the number keys. Not sure what the name of it is at the moment.
uhm im using rift and its perfect. i think the problem your having with the popup menus is because your not centering your view right once your seated and comfortable. as long as im looking at the menus they dont disappear. as for the graphics thats a whole different monster. im using an i7 4770k with a gtx1080 on ultra with ss @ 1.6 and everything is crisp and sharp. youll have to find the best settings for your hardware to get it looking its best and the vive does support ss, lots a fiddling but well worth it.
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