...with other two CMDRs. We decided to refresh the instance, hoping for a Thargoid to appear. And it did.
After surviving the EMP wave and subsequent crash (it helps to have a 2Gj hybrid bi-weave on your multi-mission Conda. BTW, EMP doesn't disable it), I proceed to open fire.
Apparently the Tharg called its buddy, because seconds later the 2nd one alien jumped in.
Due to both Thargs being rather angry (they tend to do that when shot while feeding on barnacles, you know), we had to fly away. Apparently, they cannot fly low and fast, so I just hugged the ground (not that easy when you're in Conda!) and used boost.
The Thargs continued to fly around for a while, then jumped. One of them left this... object:
It was located at about 25km above the Barnacle Forest. It wasn't moving. I couldn't fly close to it, or fly through it - it behaved like some trampoline, my ship actually bounced off! The "halo" bended light like a black hole.
However, I could fly around it:
The most interesting part is that only I could see this, but not the others.
After surviving the EMP wave and subsequent crash (it helps to have a 2Gj hybrid bi-weave on your multi-mission Conda. BTW, EMP doesn't disable it), I proceed to open fire.
Apparently the Tharg called its buddy, because seconds later the 2nd one alien jumped in.
Due to both Thargs being rather angry (they tend to do that when shot while feeding on barnacles, you know), we had to fly away. Apparently, they cannot fly low and fast, so I just hugged the ground (not that easy when you're in Conda!) and used boost.
The Thargs continued to fly around for a while, then jumped. One of them left this... object:
It was located at about 25km above the Barnacle Forest. It wasn't moving. I couldn't fly close to it, or fly through it - it behaved like some trampoline, my ship actually bounced off! The "halo" bended light like a black hole.
However, I could fly around it:
The most interesting part is that only I could see this, but not the others.