So I was reading item descriptions, when I came across something a bit scary, relating to the escape pods.

So I was reading item descriptions, when I came across something a bit scary, relating to the escape pods.

The description for Thargoid biological material, mentions that Thargoids can reconstitute (is that the right word?) biological matter. As in, break things down, and re-use it. Know what people are? Biological matter... I wonder if that's why they're taking escape pods? It'd basically be like finding omni-gel in Mass Effect. People got a lot of stuff in them. "That ship, it's made from PEOPLE!" *horrified screams*
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I imagine something similar to Godzilla's tail. How Metal would that be? An enemy Bio ship made out of digested people.
Lmao.. Trolls 2 is easily the cheesiest movie on earth and possibly through all the multi-verses.

Oh my goooooooood
Remember in the 2005 remake of War of the Worlds, the Tripods eat and grind up humans....


I rekkon those Thargoids have their own version of this:


So just wait until they get ill from all the human diseases lol
The description for Thargoid biological material, mentions that Thargoids can reconstitute (is that the right word?) biological matter. As in, break things down, and re-use it. Know what people are? Biological matter... I wonder if that's why they're taking escape pods? It'd basically be like finding omni-gel in Mass Effect. People got a lot of stuff in them. "That ship, it's made from PEOPLE!" *horrified screams*

At this point thats just pure specualation as you know nothing just like the rest of us.
Well, so far I have only seen the Flower Ship pick up "damaged" escape pods.... I'm sure that's a good thing!
You know? Like they are friendly...and helping...and...[where is it]
How do you think the pod got "damage" ?
That's them trying to peel it open like a Sardine tin to get at the food inside.
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