SOMBLR 1207-E2 3301

You said COL 285 Sector AW-V C3-5 HP 23739 B4 at 14:03?

Yeah. Are you seeing it?

Well. Maybe. There's definitely something dark down there.

Just keep watching.

...That's ...That's impossible.

Well it's &%@#ing happening!

For that to be- ...No ...It would have to be ...No! Just no. This is an optical illusion or something.

Already thought of that. I don't have an orbital imager, but that atmosphere is way too cold. Way too cold. You know what happens when you pure water mixed with particles at those temperatures. Insta-bricked the moment after you hit atmosphere.

It's just way to big. I mean... -just nooo.

Alright. We got to report this right?

I'm not putting my name on that.

Wha- ..but ...but it's there!

Mmm... actually... A more pressing concern. If that's real... Then it's not there. It's... here.

Oh. Oh my god. No...

That's what I said!

Nothing's that big!

That's what I said!!!

It's impossible!


Alright! Alright! Alright! Let's just go!


  • FSS1207-E2 COL 285 Sector AW-V C3-5, HP 23739 B4 black body object suggests an approximate size of the Gosda Bay Icesheet.
  • SOMBLR observations may be comparable to OUTOPPS PQ-K C22-1 report.
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