Some Suggestions for Decreasing Lag

So, we all know that Planet Zoo can get pretty dang laggy, especially with larger zoos. What I've noticed is that the guests and animals tend to contribute the most to this issue. My suggestion would be adding options to the graphics settings such as:
  1. Limit animal animations (such as the courtship animations or fighting animations)
  2. Limit guest animations (such as sitting on benches or walking animations)
  3. Limit staff animations (such as vacuuming habitats or filling food dishes)
  4. Model quality of animals (low/medium/high)
  5. Model quality of staff/guests (low/medium/high)
These are all simple aesthetic sacrifices --the kind that people with laptops are often used to making.
My laptop handles the game pretty well actually. I tried a zoo named jina zuri (amazing zoo)off steam the other day. It’s a very realistic zoo with a lot of terraforming and pieces and there was definitely noticeable lag. Playable but out of all the zoos I’ve tried this one was the hardest to run.
Even though both guests and animals cause lagg, so does terraforming. I had a huge zoo in sandbox that covered the entire map with lots of mountains and such. Hardly any animals at all (less than 50) and the zoo was closed, so no guests at all. And the lagg was terrible!
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