Horizons Something must be wrong with the IA setup.

I was trading in my Anaconda with good trade setup, all shield boosters and so on. Came across a federal gunship that intercepted me easy. And before I had the chance to almost anything, he killed me in like 15-20 sec..
He fired like 20 rockets at me (and he got no heat problem what so ever) , while his class 4 big gun was overpowered like bloody hell.
A smaller ship would be oneshoot by this AI...
Question to Frontier: should I just quit playing? The Anaconda is a end-game ship and should easy stand the ground with chaffs, ECM. and run, while trading. But NO... And to pay 10+ mill each time this happens.
Feels like I am back in a type 6 with crap equipment.

A ASP ship intercepted me and easy took down my shields and almost me (ship down to 50%) So what a f... is still going on.....
The OP AI should be nerfed soon.

I don't see any good reason to spend more time playing this game. While the AI can kill any ship within 10-20 sec.


frustrated player.
I was trading in my Anaconda with good trade setup, all shield boosters and so on. Came across a federal gunship that intercepted me easy. And before I had the chance to almost anything, he killed me in like 15-20 sec..
Did you have all pips to shields?

He fired like 20 rockets at me (and he got no heat problem what so ever) ,
Possibly used a heat sink.
Why no point defence, or ECM?

while his class 4 big gun was overpowered like bloody hell.

A smaller ship would be oneshoot by this AI...

The Anaconda is a end-game ship
Whatever gave you the idea ED has end-game?
Doesn't sound like you are using Point Defense Turrets. ???

When I was running an Anaconda I used TWO of them. One on the top of the ship and another on the bottom. The new AI now use rockets and torpedos very effectively now. Point Defense turrets are pretty much mandatory at this point.

They do an excellent job at taking out the majority of missiles and torpedos. Especially if you are running TWO on a large ship. The best part about Point Defense is that they are totally automatic. You don't have to do anything to activate them or aim them or anything, they just work on their own.

You can roll your ship to give them a clearer line of fire to the oncoming missile barrage if you want, but that isn't usually needed.

I personally would NEVER fly in this game without a Point Defense Turret installed, regardless of the ship I am using.
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ty for the tip. No I had not installed any turrets, did not know that they was mandatory at the moment. Will install two :)

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ty for the tip. No I had not installed any turrets, did not know that they was mandatory at the moment. Will install two :)
ty for the tip. No I had not installed any turrets, did not know that they was mandatory at the moment. Will install two :)

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ty for the tip. No I had not installed any turrets, did not know that they was mandatory at the moment. Will install two :)

Cool! That explains why the missile attack was so damaging to your ship.

I think you will be pleased with the result, at least when it comes to missile attacks from now on. They are not 100% perfect, and a few will get through, but I would say that an Anaconda running TWO Point Defense turrets will be pretty well covered against the majority of missile attacks.

Remember to keep an eye on your PD's ammo reserves. (will be displayed in RED on the lower right of your HUD) They hold a decent amount of ammo, but if you are in a big fight, they could run out. I've personally never run out of PD ammo myself using 1 on my A rated Python. :)
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Did you have all pips to shields?

YES, in trade mode ofc.

Possibly used a heat sink.
Why no point defence, or ECM?

Before 2.1 there was no need for defense turrets, my shield held just fine against all NPC, for trade setup.
The shields seems to be a lot weaker in 2.1 then before. Since I could kill a NPC with my "trade" Anaconda setup, but now I just run for my life.

Whatever gave you the idea ED has end-game?

End-game or not end-game, its one of the biggest ships you can get for some years now.
One last thing I should mention about Point Defense...

PD rounds are GREEN and are fired VERY rapidly. They sound like a Pulse Laser on overdrive. If the missiles are coming at you from the front, you will see these green rounds going out towards the oncoming missiles. Don't freak out thinking these are being fired at you from an enemy ship! lol! :D

If the missiles are coming at you from the rear, you will only hear the PDs in action obviously.
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Before 2.1 there was no need for defense turrets, my shield held just fine against all NPC, for trade setup.
The shields seems to be a lot weaker in 2.1 then before. Since I could kill a NPC with my "trade" Anaconda setup, but now I just run for my life.
That's because the AI was poorly written and was laughably easy, the AI as it is now is what Frontier were aiming for. It required a drastic change to ship loadouts and pilot control; it's good to see you're willing to learn though, others simply sit and cry and make unreasonable demands and accusations.

End-game or not end-game, its one of the biggest ships you can get for some years now.
Biggest ship doesn't equal best, nor does it mean you'll suddenly be able to survive any encounter. Not any more, anyway. xD
I parked my Anaconda as I'm having fun flying around in a quicker Cobra MKIII gathering engineers mats. I have quite limited play time each week, so I'm edging into engineers in a more cautious fashion. No deaths in 2.1 yet. The AI isn't impossible, just takes a certain approach depending on your ship. I absolutely play Elite in a more defensive mode. I am suspicious and highly defensive of absolutely anything I run across.

For the Anaconda, I am thinking to keep my 1x point defense (top rear), and load up on shield boosters plus one chaff (bottom rear). I may stick 2x small mine droppers in the two small slots. Those slots usually go effectively unused. But with the buff in mines, it may make a good distraction for the AI for those moments an escape is needed.


-submit interdiction
-shields 4 pips
-repeat boost as able
-blow chaff
-drop small mines incessantly, gives ai stuff to dodge rather than shoot me
-wake out (high/low depending)

Turrets on the med/large slots of the Conda could be of use to keep faster ships busy.
I think a large trade ship would do great with the above tactic, minus guns. Just go all out with mines, shields, point defense, and a chaff.

For the moment.. my A-spec Cobra relies on boost speed. Few slots make it tough to have point defense plus all the other goodies.. so agility rather than a thick hide is relied upon.

Still, caution is to be had. I was on a planet surface with the Cobra in the SRV. I let the Cobra sit on the surface a tad too long. A ship came within range and shot at the Cobra knocking shields off and leaving hull at under 50%. Authority ships did hop in. By the time I noticed anything was going on, the Auth ships were already on hand and I was boarding my ship. Turns out thrusters got knocked to 0%. A repair/reboot allowed me to stagger to the nearest station. Planets are no longer ship dead zones. You aren't safe anywhere. In fact. Its Dangerous(tm) out there. ;P
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