Sons of Icarus -[RECRUITING NOW]-

We are a coalition of commanders both veteran and novice.
This group is based on freedom, meaning we do not specialize in any particular professions and accept members whether they are a trader, mercenary, bounty hunter, miner, explorer, or even pirate.
This group is for having friends to wing up with when you need a little help, or perhaps feel like you may need some back up in hostile territory.
Winging up for some PvP is always fun as well.
No matter what your profession, you are one of us now; A Son of Icarus!

Many of us play at different times, but our most active times recently have been between 10pm to 4am EST.

We usually use Steam to voice chat, but may begin using TS/Vent as the group expands
Our Website and forums are (Work in progress) - Submit an application today!
Facebook group

All are welcome to apply! Empire, Federation, Alliance, and any profession or rank.

FDL Ring resize.png
3 Sons 1 Sun.png
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I'm curious about your group, where do you guys usually hang out? what time zone do you guys play in?

I'll update the original post in a moment, but lately we've been following community goals or bountyhunting in the rings of He Bo 6
Our most active times have been between 10pm and 4am EST, but I personally get on at random times as well.
Well app is not good, we should be able to ask a little more about you on same way you ask about us. :)

The app is terrible, I'm trying to work with it, but the group is open to almost anyone, so the answers
you give aren't very Important. Mostly just information gathering. You're also welcome to ask anything about us on our forums.

Sorry for the double post, but my phone is making this difficult.

(EDIT): Hell with it, I removed applications for now and made it open.
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Applications have been removed to make applying easier.

By the way, we are searching for a home system that hasn't been taken yet by any other groups. We prefer it to be independent and if not, hopefully with an independent party so we can make it so. If anybody wishes to join the group and help us find an awesome star, that would be sweet! :)
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