Space sirens on DW II route

To those commanders on DW II who like adrenaline rush: space sirens are calling you :)
I just noticed the route to the next WP will take us relatively close to a system i know: BAUKOA AA-A H466. It has two unremarkable WRs, a blue giant and an O star. What makes this system interesting - and dangerous - is that the primary is one of the WRs. It is a binary, with a very close orbit, with the blue giant. That means the system entry point is in the exclusion zone of the giant. upon entering the system i was immediately kicked out of supercruise. The view which greeted me was both amazing and frightening. I bet very few have seen a blue giant THAT close:


We know that FD occasionally rearranges system entry points. So i am not sure if it is still within the giant's exclusion zone or they moved to it away to some safe spot. Just thought those of you looking for trouble might want to visit the place.
Dont blame me if your ship suffers damage :)
Ha! Leaving Sag-A* could have been a real "sink or swim" moment for a lot of commanders. That would have been a great entry on the itinerary! LOL :)
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